Aaronic Blessing — a blessing of respect, to guard and protect, and give peace to reflect...

Pastor Joe Green, pastor of Saint Paul’s Missionary Baptist Church, had us sit in the book of Numbers yesterday during his Sunday sermon. Specifically, we not only looked at and read through “The Priestly Blessing” found at the end of the sixth chapter, we also dissected this passage. It is also known as the Aaronic Blessing, a blessing Aaron was instructed by God, through Moses, to pray over the people of Israel. We looked at the original Hebrew words used in this blessing so we could understand the significance it had not only on the people of Israel, but also on our lives today.

So, from God’s Word, through Pastor Joe’s words, by way of my Sunday sermon notes, may these words bless you and keep you as God’s face shines upon you, he is gracious to you, and He gives you peace today...

The Lord said to Moses, “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.’” ~ Numbers 6:22-27

The Lord bless you —

The Hebrew word for bless is Barakh which is translated “to show respect” as in kneeling and offering something of value to another. God respects us by providing for our needs, and we respect Him by giving our very lives in service to Him.

And keep you —

The Hebrew word for keep is Shamar which literally means to guard and protect, also used to describe the corral of thorn bushes a shepherd would construct to protect his flock. The shepherd would then guard over the flock and the corral would be a hedge of protection around them.

the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. —

The Hebrew word for face is Paniym, but it is always written in the plural form, implying multiple “faces” in order to fully reflect. This word can also mean “presence” or the “wholeness of being.” When God’s glory is revealed in us, it can be reflected through us fully, wholly, completely, and thoroughly. And that, dear friends, is what keeps us in perfect peace.

Oh friend, may you receive these words of blessing over your life today. As the high priest, Aaron was instructed by God through Moses to pray this way over the people of Israel, we too can pray this way by the authority given to us by our great High Priest, Jesus. His authority over us speaks sovereignly to us and divinely through us.

He blesses us with peace.

The Hebrew word for peace is Shalom, and here is literally means “to destroy the authority that causes chaos.”

There sure is an “authority” (the god of this world) causing a whole lotta chaos up in here, but let me tell you right now, he is a lesser authority, and as we continue to “speak truth to power” as Dr. Green encourages, we can receive that blessing over us and believe its power in us to “destroy the authority that causes chaos.”

He, the enemy, the god of this world, he is a defeated foe because we can believe the God we know. His authority swallows up all other authorities. So...

May God bless you (with respect) and keep you (as He protects) and give you peace (as you reflect) His glory...today.