The Greatest De-Bait: Taking Authority Over Our Real Enemy, so he Can’t Have Power Over You and Me

Well, it’s been over a month since I posted on the blog, and it’s been just under a year since I posted the original Great Mask Debate, that, true to its title, stirred up a rather great debate. All in all, it was civil and cordial, and I am quite grateful for the great debate that it was. I do not post things flippantly or insensitively, and if/when I eventually hit “post,” it’s likely been after a time of prayer and reflection. This post is no different. It’s my heart’s response to further reflection on a couple posts I keep revisiting as I continually check my motives and message.

Those posts: The Great Mask Debate and The Great Mask Debate {Revisted}.

Why do I keep revisiting them? Well, I assure you it is not to beat a dead horse, but rather to reassess them in light of new data, new studies, new information, all the while holding them up to the light of the unchanging Truth of God’s Word.

I can’t quite put my finger on why I’ve been silent this past month, but I do know that maybe like a lot of you, words are just plain hard these days, or at least finding the right ones, and when it comes to these sensitive subjects that impact lives (and have literally driven a wedge between families, both in homes and in churches), well, I want to be solely dependent on God’s Word above every other thing I read, see, or hear from any other reputable or non-reputable source.

So, I’ve been directing my feeble attempt at words to God in prayer (the most powerful use of my words) and to my husband in processing (a great filter before I spill them out into the world). Honestly, my heart’s been shattered and my thoughts scattered as I've tried to make sense of all the nonsense, and then it dawned on me…

I’m calling this post “The Greatest De-Bait” because I believe when we truly dig deep into God’s Word, then we’re able to recognize all these debates as the bait of the god of this world. (Honestly, I’ve fallen prey to his tactics more often than not lately, thus the reason for feeling scattered.)

The enemy baits his hook with enticing little lies and wants nothing less than to lure us away from Truth of God’s Word. He distracts us by breeding division, dissension, and confusion among us. He is the father of lies and takes pride in our compromise because it leads to decisions that are unwise — we’re watching this happen before our very eyes! And that is why we must recognize this bait for what it is and engage in the greatest de-bait known to man — exposing the enemies lies by lifting up the name of Jesus and surrendering to His Authority.

A year ago, I processed my thoughts in The Great Mask Debate, and processed a few months later in The Great Mask Debate {Revisted}. I’ll likely continue to revisit these debates, because like I said, I think they play a part in the greatest de-bait, and like I stated in that original post,

“I cannot be indifferent to what is going on in the world, if I’m called to make a difference in the world. Bravery is more than speaking up with empty words, it’s standing up on the firm foundation of God’s Word.”

Upon further research and assessment, I still believe…

“These masks (and I would now add vaccines) are masking a way bigger issue for the future of Christianity, far worse than Covid — an issue that has the potential to claim far more souls and reveal far more co-morbidities on the slippery slope of mindlessly going with the flow, trusting worldly authorities over the Ultimate Authority.

Masks may or may not prevent the spread of a virus, but, to me, they reveal a whole lot more — the desensitizing of a society, the controlling of a culture, the silencing of any sound that speaks against its agenda.”

In the follow-up post (Jan 2021), I had the following thoughts:

“We find ourselves at odds more now than ever before. These issues and our responses to them have pitted us against each other and left us wondering what in the world is going on and who is right and who is wrong.

Well, friends, it didn’t happen overnight. The enemy has been at work long before the onslaught of a pandemic, and just because it may seem he’s upped his game, he’s not all to blame. We, as Christians, also have a role to play and Biblical truth to proclaim.

Are we being deceived? Are we blindly trusting man and his mandates over God and His commandments?

And we find the two greatest in Matthew 22:37-40, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind” (v. 37) and “love your neighbor as yourself.” (v. 39)

Contrary to a rather trending and popular opinion, loving your neighbor does not equal wearing a mask, especially when there’s such discrepancy with their efficacy. Loving your neighbor does, however, mean caring for them BOTH with patience, kindness, humility, (and other ways listed in 1 Corinthians 13) AND by speaking the truth (Ephesians 4:14-15).

Love is not merely complying, love says no to lying. A love that lies in order to comply is no love at all.

It’s time we stop hiding behind our masks as some signal of virtue, and speak the truth in love, a more honorable pursuit. If you believe the mask protects you and others, by all means, wear the mask, and if you choose not to wear a mask, by all means, keep your distance and respect those who feel otherwise.

Either way, I feel the mask mandates are more about compliance and control, and less about loving others like you may have been told.”

And here we are now a year and a half later, and we have not succeeded in flattening a curve, but we have succeeded in conditioning a response.

I still believe we are masking far more than we realize, and it is revealing much more than meets the eye.

Yes, friends, it goes way beyond the great mask debate or the great vax debate for that matter. It’s time we come together as believers in Jesus Christ and DE BAIT Satan. I mean, last I checked, we are on the SAME TEAM, the WINNING TEAM. Jesus Christ has already won the battle, we fight FROM a position of VICTORY in CHRIST!

So, what do you say. Let’s look BEYOND these debates — as heated as they may get, and see there is an enemy on the prowl. His whole goal is to steal, kill, and destroy. If our eyes are fixed on this world, it looks like he’s gaining ground and accomplishing that goal — but if our eyes are fixed on Jesus we see…

He is rich in mercy, He died for us.

“…but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

He is full of power, He defeated death for us.

“…and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel…” 2 Timothy 1:10

His is led by love, He’s returning for us.

“I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown.” Revelation 3:11

THIS is the hope we cling to.

THIS is the de-bait we focus on.

THIS is the victory we stand in.

You can feel passionate about masks and vaccines (on either side of the debates). BUT, no matter what side of those debates you find yourself on, if you are a follower of Christ, we are on the same side of the De-Bait — victorious and set free from the bait of Satan.

Let’s stay awake and stop falling prey to the schemes of the enemy. Our eyes need to be wide open, fully aware of the battle we’re in. It is not against flesh and blood, not against our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is an all out war against the god of this world, and He has ALREADY BEEN DEFEATED by our GOD and HIS WORD by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Revelation 2:11

So, speak that Truth boldly — preach the GOSPEL — the GOOD NEWS that defeats all this bad news. There is no greater news than the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is no greater de-bait than the defeat of the enemy by the work of the cross and the proclamation of that Good News to a world desperate for good news, desperate for hope, desperate for a Truth that will set them free.

Christians, let’s work together to spread the Gospel and give that priority over working together to stop the spread of a virus we cannot and will not ever have complete control over.

Oh, how I pray this encourages you to keep fighting the good fight. Don’t give up. Don’t give in. And always keep your eyes fixed on Him.

I’d love to share a few other articles/podcasts/resources that I have found helpful/encouraging in this season of ongoing debates. These are humble men and women of God who truly dig deep into God’s Word in order to share their conclusions and thoughts with you…

Clearly Stated’s recent Instagram post:

When the World Feels Too Broken, I’ll Find Hope in This

Allie Beth Stuckey’s Relatable Podcast Episode 471:

Things May Change If We Make These 3 Commitments 

Owen Strachan’s two most recent episodes of his podcast, Antithesis:

Should Churches Require Vaccine Passports?

Does Love of Neighbor Demand Christians Follow Mask Mandates?

Samuel Sey’s recent article on Slow to Write:

How to Love your Neighbor on the Vaccine


Tabitha Deller

Tabitha is a wife, mom, author, and speaker. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, Steve, and is the mom of four sons. She loves words — written or spoken and is passionate about God’s Word and the life changing truths found in it. From reading it to writing about it, her heart's desire is that others will be encouraged by it. She has authored and taught Bible Studies for large groups, small groups, and online groups. You can find out more about Tabitha at