“A lie doesn’t become the truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority.”

A lie doesn’t become the truth, wrong doesn’t become right, and evil doesn’t become good, just because it’s accepted by the majority.

— Booker T. Washington

A lie doesn’t become the truth.

There’s a whole lotta lying going on in this world. Don’t believe everything you hear. Ask questions. Dig deep. Think critically and logically. Once you buy in to a fallacy, your gauge for truth forms a codependency with some alternate reality. Truth becomes relative, which degrades its authority, and removes its validity. Is that the kind of truth you want to believe?

Wrong doesn’t become right.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, and although I love the movie “Dan in Real Life” (like it’s one of my favorite movies EVER), I don’t agree with this line of Marie’s “There’s a certain rightness to our wrongness.” That’s called compromise. It justifies the wrong because you wish it were right. Like truth, right can’t be relative. If it were, the line between right and wrong is blurred and the fight between wrong and right becomes meaningless and absurd. Also contrary to the way of the world, two wrongs don’t make a right, and one wrong is enough to start the descent down the slippery slope of sin, a path that will never lead to rightness or righteousness.

Evil doesn’t become good.

Evil is borne of darkness, and good of light. 2 Corinthians 6:14 warns us that light and dark cannot have communion or fellowship. We, as children of God, have been called out of darkness and into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9) The evil of sin and darkness stay evil, sinful, and dark. Thus the juxtaposition of coming out of that darkness and into the light. Evil remains evil, but people can change. By the power of God and the goodness of His light that offers abundant and eternal life, He woos and wins us by His great love for us. He never changes. His love never fails. But we can be changed forever as His love prevails. Evil doesn’t become good, but our good good Father, as He pursues us, can pull us out of the evil that tries to consume us.

Just because it’s accepted by the majority.

There are many voices in this world today opposing these foundational, Biblical Truths, making anyone not willing to bend to their every whim feel crazy for not just going along to get along. However, just because something is accepted by the majority doesn’t make it the ultimate authority. God in His Sovereignty is the Ultimate Authority. He set the standard, and true to His character, that standard does not change, no matter how much we want to rearrange.

The Bible is chock-full of heroes of the faith who went against the grain of the group think brain. Men and women of God who stood up and stood out in the crowd of the majority as they stood on His Truths and His Promises even though they were in the minority — they made trusting God their priority.

And we, too, are called by God, as children of light, to stand against the lies, the wrongs, and the evils of today and trust the truth, the right, and the good of His Way.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” ~ Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬

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