November. First Thing. Five Things.

Ah November. It’s hard to believe you’re already here, but here you are, and I long to welcome you with a heart of gratitude.

Christmas will be here before we know it, and yet my heart longs to stay in the moment — enjoying each November day, leading to Thanksgiving Day, a mere three days prior to the start of Advent.

Thanksgiving — the perfect precursor to Christmas and the season of Advent — a sacred observance that connects the two traditions.

Not that we should need a month dedicated to gratitude. Shouldn’t we be giving thanks all year long and live thankful every single day? And yet, there’s something about intentionality that sure helps the mentality.

Seasons change, and calendars flip. One countdown leads to another as one holiday gives way to the next. But there’s no better place and time than here and now to be grateful for where we are right here and what we have right now.

I know there are some days and seasons filled with anything but gratitude and thanks because they’re filled with things that cause great angst. These are the days that gratitude eludes us because life is just so tough.

It’s easier said than done to raise our gaze above the tough stuff, but raise we must, if praise is going to fill that empty, lonely space — if our hearts are ever going to be full of thanks.

ThankFULL. Not empty. Not lonely. Full of thanks, not angst. Releasing the tough stuff to receive the His great love for us.

Today, I’m grateful to be growing in grace. I have not arrived and there is much to learn, but an intentional daily attitude of gratitude is a great place to start, so that’s my aim — not perfection, but reflection — raising my gaze in order to find my praise.

That’s why I’m calling for some days of praise ahead of Advent. I’m calling the challenge “First Thing. Five Things.” Throughout the month of November, first thing in the morning, before your feet hit the floor, verbalize five things you’re thankful for. You could also jot them down in a journal as a daily log throughout this journey. That’s it. Nothing major. Nothing hard. Just an attitude of gratitude to start your day. I’m sure it will impact you in other ways. So, what do you say?