Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 18: Exposed by the Cross (Part 1)

June 18th. Day 18 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians” by Milton Vincent.

Today’s reason — Exposed by the Cross, Part 1.

About this first part of this reason to rehearse the gospel daily Vincent says this...

“It was while rehearsing gospel truths in Romans 5-8 that the Apostle Paul was moved to speak of his struggle with sin and exclaim, ‘O wretched man that I am!’ {Romans 7:19-24} While reviewing God’s abundant saving grace on another occasion, Paul was prompted to confessed that he was ‘the foremost’ sinner of all.” {1 Timothy 1:15}

Vincent goes on to say...

“Likewise, the deeper I go into the gospel, the more I comprehend and confess aloud the depth of my sinfulness. A gruesome death like the one that Christ endured for me would only be required for one who is exceedingly sinful and unable to appease a holy God. Consequently, whenever I consider the necessity and manner of His death, along with the love and selflessness behind it, I am laid bare and utterly exposed {Hebrews 4:13} for the sinner I am.”

Vincent concludes with this...

“Such an awareness of my sinfulness does not drag me down, but actually serves to lift me up by magnifying my appreciation of God’s forgiving grace in my life. And the more I appreciate the magnitude of God’s forgiveness of my sins, the more I love Him and delight to show Him love through heartfelt expressions of worship.” {Luke 7:37-47}

For a true believer, there is no way around the work of the cross to expose my sin. If I am to accept the result of that work (my salvation) I must also reject that any other work (of my own or some other “way” or religion) is capable of exposing my sin. I must also believe and receive the work of the cross as the only way worthy enough and powerful enough to save me from my sin, cleanse me from within, and reconcile me back to Him.

The cross exposes me. Jesus’ blood covers me. It is the only way to truly be set free.