Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 25: Hope of Heaven

June 25th. Day 25 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians” by Milton Vincent.

Today’s reason — Hope of Heaven.

Oh how this reason resonates in a way that has my heart living in the tension of longing for heaven and loving others into heaven while on earth. The most loving thing we can do is give others the truth of the gospel, plain and simple. Yes, we must live it out, but we desperately need to speak it out, too. Everyone longs for the Hope of Heaven.

I LOVE the way Vincent explains this reason to rehearse the gospel in today’s reading...

“The more I experience the riches of Christ in the gospel, the more there develops within me a yearning to be with Christ in heaven where I will experience His grace in unhindered fullness. {Philippians 1:23, 1 Peter 1:13} The reason for this yearning is simple:however great may be the present blessing of salvation, they are but the ‘first fruits of the Spirit,” the first installments of an unimaginably great harvest of glory which I will reap forever in heaven.” {Romans 8:23}

He continues by saying...

“The apostle Paul could not rehearse gospel blessings in Romans 5-8 without being reminded of his anxious longing for the future glories awaiting believers in heaven. {Romans 8:18-23} Likewise, the Apostle John could not speak of his and his readers’ status as children of God without also relishing the beautification they will experience at the revelation of Jesus Christ. {1 John 3:1-2} Neither will I be able to think long upon gospel blessings without thinking also of the infinite glories which will be mine to enjoy in heaven.”

Vincent goes on to say...

“Such a gospel-generated heavenward focus yields enormous benefits to me while on earth. The mere hope of seeing Christ in glory releases the purifying influence of heaven upon my life from day to day. {1 John 3:3} Also, knowing of the future love that God will show me in glory enables me to love my fellow-saints with a heaven-inspired love even now. {Colossians 1:4-5} I love others out of the fullness already given to me in Christ, and also out of the greater fullness that will be given to me in glory!”

He continues...

“Hope of eternity with Christ in heaven also enables my heart to thrive during the most difficult and lengthy of trials here on earth. When looking at the sheer weight of unseen glories to come, my troubles seem light by comparison; and when looking at the staggering length of eternity, my troubles seem fleeting by comparison. {2 Corinthians 4:16-18} It is only against the backdrop of a glorious eternity that my circumstances can be seen in such a manner; and the promise of this glorious eternity is part and parcel of the gospel itself.” {Colossians 1:5}

And the author concludes by saying

“Preaching the gospel to myself every day is a great way to keep myself established in ‘the hope of the gospel,’ {Colossians 1:23} so that I might experience the practical benefits that such hope is intended to bring me here on earth.”