When We Step Out of the Boat, and Stay Close to Jesus, Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary, and Others Will Notice.

When we step out of the boat, and stay close to Jesus, ordinary becomes extraordinary, and others will notice.

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” ~ Acts‬ ‭4:13‬

Are you feeling a little ordinary today? Well, according to this Biblical truth, spending time with Jesus makes you extraordinary.

Don’t fall prey to the prerequisite of perfection. Accolades don’t persuade the heart of the Father. Obedience to His Word unlocks your potential in this world. Christ in you alone is astonishing. No need for add ons or extras. Nothing allows His light to shine brighter than a humble heart and a willing spirit.

Be courageous today — not because of your credentials but because He has called you to. Step out of the boat. Keep your eyes on Him. You’ll not only stay afloat, you’ll turn heads and hearts toward His.

He is all you need to accomplish everything He wants you to do.

Trust Him with your ordinary. He’ll turn it into something extraordinary.

When we step out of the boat, and stay close to Jesus, ordinary becomes extraordinary, and others will notice.