

abide. My one word for 2021. I’ve been studying it closely for the past two years, but it only took me a couple days to decide that in 2021 (and beyond) this is where I want to stay. Safe and secure in Him.

abide. Honestly, the mere thought of focusing on this one word throughout this new year brings peace to my troubled heart. There’s no magic formula in picking one word for the year, and believe me there is no power in the word itself, but oh is there power in the Word of God to help us live it out no matter what this year brings about!

{a little aside, and then back to abide... vision was my one word for 2020. Seemed appropriate, right?!? Well, I can tell you now, on the other side of 2020, hindsight truly is 20/20. In a year of so much chaos and confusion, God’s Word, His Truth, His Way has never been clearer. Life Giving Gospel Truth calling me to be brave as I simply stay and abide...}

abide. A small word that silently screams “be still,” yet harnesses so much power and potential. I want abiding to be more than a topic of study, I long for it to be a new rhythm — a pace I’ll learn to embrace as God continues to embrace me. He holds me fast. I stay. He leads. I follow. He speaks. I listen. He prompts. I obey.

abide. The very structure of the word personifies its meaning — symmetrical and seeming to flow rhythmically through the ups and downs of vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant, and vowel. The long “i” — longing to stay planted, rooted, and established in the very center of the word (much like I long to stay planted, rooted, and established in the very center of God’s will. That little letter — safe and secure in that little word — cushioned by the “b” and “d,” as if God is whispering, “I’ve got you. I’m holding you there.”

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