Never Forget {9/11/01}

Never Forget {9/11/01}

I remember exactly where I was twenty-two years ago today on that tragic Tuesday. As those terrorists were boarding planes, I was buckling my four-month-old firstborn into his car seat, venturing out to Bible study. I was a young mom desperate to find connection with God and with others. I had no idea what was about happen, the lives that would be lost and others that would be changed forever.

I remember the outfit Joshua had on that day. I remember the sense of urgency to get home and talk to Steve when they told us what had happened and dismissed Bible study early. I remember being glued to the TV and watching it all in utter disbelief.

Twenty-two years later, I truly believe the world we live in is continually being attacked every single day in a very different way. The terrorist of our souls, the father of lies, the enemy himself has launched a full out attack on all that is good and all that God has established and set into motion. Oh, he’s been at it since the beginning of time, but everyday his tactics manifest in different ways, more manipulative and relentless than the day before.

He will stop at nothing to see to it that we crash and burn.

And now, more than ever, we need to show up to Bible Study — not in a formal way, but in a desperate to know Him way. What does God’s Word say about all that’s going on in the world around us? You may be surprised to know it has quite a bit to say about it!

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