The Silence of Saturday Speaks a Message That‘s Loud and Clear.

The Silence of Saturday Speaks a Message That‘s Loud and Clear.

“Just wait. I’m working. Take heart. My plan is unfolding.” A message He whispers often in the wait.

Good Friday was yesterday. Resurrection Sunday is tomorrow. But today is Silent Saturday. We wait. We pray. We sit in silence.

We’re not always comfortable with quiet, are we? It’s called “awkward silence” for a reason. For a talker (like myself), silence can test my sanity. I want to fill the silence with something. A solution. A sound of some sort, even if it’s not thought out or prayed about. Anything will do to silence the silence!

God has been speaking, in the silence, a message that’s loud and clear in my heart.

Seasons of silence should bring us to our knees. When we don’t hear God’s voice. When we don’t know what’s next. Pray. Surrender. Lay things down. Lift Him up.

When we sow seeds, we assume that posture — on our knees. We lay those seeds down. We surrender them. We bury them.

Yesterday, we remembered how Christ laid His life down for us. He surrendered. He was buried. His lifeless body was laid in a borrowed tomb. And they waited.

Just like we wait. In silence.

Good Friday does give way to Resurrection Sunday, but there’s a day in between. A wait. A pause. A process. And it is all good. And it is all for growth.

Time for the sowing to give way to growing. Time for the seed to take root. Time for the shoot to break through. Friday had to happen to give Sunday its power. But the wait in between was necessary for the work to be done and His will to be seen. Death had to occur for life to break through. Darkness had to have its fight in order to be defeated by the light!

He may have been buried on that day, but He did not stay that way. Three days later, the stone was rolled away. What He had done had taken root, making a heavenly route to a Holy God.

Sunday’s comin’, and our wait today is not in vain. The silence of Saturday speaks a message that’s loud and clear. It’s time to trust. Time to pray. A way is being made. Just wait. Take heart. Resurrection, Redemption, and Reconciliation are on the other side of the silence, and it’s about to get LOUD!

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