From Contradictory to Complementary. The Beauty of Harmony.

From Contradictory to Complementary. The Beauty of Harmony.

I’m a little more graced based. His convictions are rooted in truth. I’m a feeler and follow my heart. He wants the facts so he can lead with his head.

Truth and Grace. Facts and Feelings. Head and Heart.

Seemingly opposite, but beautifully blended by the love that binds us, not blinds us.

"And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony." ~ Colossians 3:14 ESV

Notice the word used in this translation: "harmony," not necessarily “unity” (although “unity” is used in some translations, the original greek word in the text is “sundeo” which means “to bind together” — to make complete or perfect, but not to make equal or the same). Harmony in music is multi-tonal, richer and fuller, whereas unity or unison, while still beautiful on its own, is monotone, a rather lonely tone, lacking dimension and depth.

{I could go into much more detail about how disparity is not a rarity because our humanity disrupts our unity, and I do actually in this blog post by the same title.}

Steve and I are well aware of our differences, and yet those differences are often the very thing that pulls us together, draws us closer, and allows us to learn, grow, and become richer and fuller, more complete as we complement each other, strengthening not only our marriage, but our faith, too.

We love each other better, because God loved us first and best. As Lent leads us closer to the cross, let's focus on that fact and the feelings surrounding it. Jesus, the son of God, gave His life for us, and in so doing, married seemingly different theological truths to add power and purpose to the trustworthy Good News!

Old Testament law. New Testament grace. The law fulfilled by grace, not replaced by grace. Fulfilled. Made richer and fuller. It took Jesus, fully God and fully man, to give us full access to God’s Amazing Grace. Sin separated. Sacrifice emancipated. The ultimate sacrifice that did not end in death but made a way for forgiveness. Forgiveness that forged new life, a richer and fuller life, earthly abundant now and heavenly eternal forever.

How do opposites like Steve and me find a way to love so beautifully? God's Love. Plain and simple. And yet extremely intricate and complex. Minds can’t always comprehend it, but hearts will always connect to it and through it.

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