We Cannot Truly Shine Bright Apart From Reflecting The One True Light

We Cannot Truly Shine Bright Apart From Reflecting The One True Light

An early morning drive by the light of a full moon gave me a visual reminder of this Biblical Truth.

Reflecting His Glory. His. Not ours. Not the world’s. The Glory is His and His alone. Not until we realize and walk in that Truth, will we truly be able to reflect and live out that Truth. Reflecting His Glory is a concept so contrary to the ways of the world that it clashes with the “rays” of the world.

We all long to shine bright, right? Make a difference? Be the change?

Truth is: we can’t, we never have, and we never will...apart from Him.

What is manmade or manufactured will malfunction. Artificial light will always dim and eventually burn out. You can change bulbs or batteries in an effort to keep things bright, but eventually anything in and of this world will lose its light, will cease to shine, will grow dark.

But the SUN is always shining, whether we see it or not. It will not lose its light, cease to shine, or grow dark. And the SON is our source of LIGHT and LIFE as well. He defeated spiritual darkness by defeating death, and He was and is and forever will be the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

Because He is the source of LIFE and the source of LIGHT, things that truly make a difference, things of eternal significance, do not happen apart from Him.

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