A Heavy Holy Week. The Weight of the Wait.

A Heavy Holy Week. The Weight of the Wait.

Can you feel it? The weight of sin weighing more and more heavily on this world we live in. What used to seem subtle feels more and more palpable. Pure evil is on display in blatantly obvious ways. It can be discouraging and disheartening, and it can feel so incredibly weighty.

But take heart, heaviness leads to holiness. The weight of the wait during Holy Week leads to the weight of Glory when our joy will be made complete. Jesus waited through the last week of His earthly life with the weight of His Father’s plan so heavy on His heart because it was all in His hands.

We reflect on this story year after year — Jesus’s final days. His cruel journey to the cross. His passionate plea with his final breath, “Father, forgive them.” His temporary time in the tomb before His resurrection and triumph over it all, once and for all, to deliver us all from sin, forgiving us for what had been harshly put on Him, reconciling us to the Father once again.

A story so heavy. A story so Holy. A story our finite minds will never fully comprehend, and yet our heavy hearts experience again and again. It’s a weighty wait, but we can be certain of our fate, if we embrace the price He paid to lift that weight off you and me. He set us free if we believe.

Same story. Same outcome. Same power. Same HOPE. A story that was foretold, fulfilled, retold, and revealed — giving NEW LIFE & HOPE to all who believe and are set free sin — a disease far more dangerous and deadly than any other disease we’ll ever face.

Heavy and Holy. A wait in which we feel the weight of our sin give way to the weight of Glory.

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