Yearn to Learn. Teach to Reach.

Yearn to Learn. Teach to Reach.

If we are teachable, others will be reachable.

I offer this word of advice with a caveat.

If you are a Christian, a Christ follower, a believer in Jesus Christ as the son of God, that makes you a student of the Word of God, and you should daily be taught by Him through His Word.

So, by “teachable,” I mean able to be taught, Biblically. Open to learning sound doctrine within Biblical Theology. You can do this AND still read other texts and have conversations with those who disagree; however, if your foundation in Biblical Truth is not firm, the enemy loves nothing more than to have you dabble in your doubts while striving to figure it all out.

And while learning requires leaning in and listening, it should not stop us from stepping out and witnessing.

There is so much talk today (especially in Evangelical Christian circles) to lean in, listen, and learn, and while I here for it, I’m also quick to caution against it as I’m witnessing the destruction in it. It’s a dangerous endeavor if not done while standing on the rock solid foundation of the Word of God.

Cordial conversations, even when about controversial topics, are always a good thing. How can we stand up for Biblical Truth if we are not engaging in conversations with those of opposing world views?

Every conversation we have must be from a place of humility. No one on this planet knows it all. The only one who does is sitting at the right hand of the the Father interceding for us (Romans 8:34). He knew and did the Father’s will. He prays for us to know and do the Father’s will, too (Matthew 6:10).

We can’t know and do the Father’s will apart from being a learner of His Word and a discerner of His truth. We can’t reach others with that truth until that truth has reached our own hearts, renewed our own minds, and redeemed our own lives.


There’s a buzz word floating around these controversial conversations we’re having lately — nuance. And just to be clear on how I feel about the word, quite frankly, I think it’s a convenient little word, a crutch to hold up the weak arguments it’s used to defend, arguments that are usually neither for or against, circular in reasoning, never giving way to solutions based on sound reasoning and Biblical teaching.

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One Rock. Many Roles.

One Rock. Many Roles.

One Rock. Many Roles.

God the Father and Jesus Christ, His son, one in the same, are sometimes referred to by the same name. The name that sets the stage for this post today — Rock.

“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.” ~ Isaiah 26:4

God is often referred to as a ROCK. Rock of Ages. Rock of Salvation. Rock that is higher and everlasting. Immovable and Unshakeable.

Jesus is known as a STONE. A living stone. A Precious Cornerstone.

We’re going to hone in on that Precious CORNERSTONE, but before we discuss the significance of that stone in it’s form and function as a foundational stone, let’s take a look at two other important stones in architecture, the CAPSTONE and the KEYSTONE.

Both these stone have very significant roles as well. Why then is Jesus called the CORNERSTONE?

The CAPSTONE is top stone of structure or wall. It is usually a higher quality stone to help protect the rubble in between the inner and outer wall. It is commonly sloped or curved and overhangs the top of the wall to allow water to drip off.

The KEYSTONE is the central stone at the summit of an arch that locked the other stones together. It is wedge shaped and is necessary to support the arch. It is paramount and central and is KEY to the arch’s stability.

Again, while the CAPSTONE and the KEYSTONE were designed uniquely and specifically for the architectural role they played, and while they were an integral part of the structure, the CORNERSTONE, in regard to the structure as a whole, is by far the most important stone.

Thus the reason Jesus is called the Precious CORNERSTONE. There is no substitute substantial enough to support the weight put upon it.

The CORNERSTONE plays three roles in a structure, but more importantly, Christ performs these roles in the very foundation and structure of our lives…

Ephesians 2:20 says, "Together, we are his house, built on the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself.”

Christ, the Cornerstone provides a firm foundation, structural significance, and distinctive direction for our lives.

Let’s take a look at each of these individually...

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