Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus

I was reminded today of this hymn of old. It’s one I remember singing in church as a child. I’m sure the lyrics didn’t resonate then quite the way they do now, but for some reason, the Lord has brought it to my mind, perhaps to simply remind me and to remind you too...

When we said yes to Jesus, we said yes to

serving in His army,

fighting His battle,

representing His Kingdom,

yielding to His authority, and

heeding His commands,

alongside one another, brothers and sisters in Christ.

And yet today, I don’t know what it’s like from your point of view, but from mine, it looks like we’re fighting different battles. We are allowing the enemy’s tactics to distract and divide us. We are fighting more with each other than we are fighting together to defeat the one true enemy.

If we are truly His, then He should be leading our efforts. Our marching orders come from Him and Him alone. His Word is our one true source. We are trained by it and should be taking a stand against everything that stands against it.

So, I’d love to charge you and challenge with the lyrics of this old hymn, too. George Duffield may have penned them in 1858, but they’re ringing loud and clear in my heart today — resonating in a much deeper way.

This is a battle cry that should always be our heart’s cry…

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