We Can Say All the Right Things in All the Wrong Ways

We Can Say All the Right Things in All the Wrong Ways

We can say all the right things in all the wrong ways.

Even saying there is an absolute truth or only one right way seems rather unpopular these days. And one who holds a worldview that would claim such a thing is seen as arrogant, insensitive, and unloving.

In an effort to not mince words or speak too vaguely about the topic at hand, when I say, “We can say all the right things in all the wrong ways,” the “we” is “me” (and you too if you hold fast to a Biblical Worldview), the “things” are Biblical Truths held by those with a Biblical Worldview.

When Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6), we take Him literally, trust Him completely, and seek Him continually.

When we do that, we find that He never changes, but we should be changing everyday as we become more like Him in our actions and attitudes — in everything we say and do.

So, in these conversations we’re having, knowing we want to say the right thing in the right way, with God’s help, let’s work on our tone, temperament, and timing.

TONE (Ephesians 4:29, Colossians 4:6)

We can say the right thing in the wrong tone.

Instead we should be full of grace, seasoned with salt, avoiding any unwholesome talk.

TEMPERAMENT (Romans 8:5)

We can say the right thing with the wrong temperament.

Instead we should put off our flesh, and be led by His Spirit.

TIMING ( 2 Timothy 4:2-4, Ephesians 5:15-16)

We can say the right thing at the wrong time.

Instead we should remember His timing is perfect, and waiting on Him is always worth it.

So, speak the truth boldly, but as you speak, yield to the Spirit, and do it with love, grace, and humility.

Humility is key to allow grace in the space where hearts can be open to receive the truth that is spoken.

You can say what you mean without saying it mean.

Seek the truth before you speak the truth, so when you speak the truth others will want to seek the truth.

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