Just because the woke have spoke doesn’t mean we have to obey everything they say.

Since when has a social movement based on a new ideology been more enlightened or had more to offer than a Biblical way of life based on timeless truths?

The Bible. The very Word of God — breathed by Him, penned by men, given to us as promises to trust.

It’s foundational.

It’s relational.

It’s alive and active.

It will shake us and wake us until it completely remakes us.

A social movement lacks the power a movement of God packs to proclaim and sustain the life giving, freedom living Gospel of Jesus Christ. He died to set captives free — ALL captives, which includes you and me.

No one will ever be more woke than Jesus Christ Himself. He died and rose again and is alive forevermore, and that’s about as woke as you can get, folks.

We gotta stop thinking we can create, manipulate, or fabricate anything more powerful, more true, more socially relevant, more “woke” than the very Word of God. It is more than enough to teach us, correct us, and convict us on race relations, political affiliations, and other social situations. If we don’t stand on the Truth of the Gospel we will fall for the lies of the enemy. 

We will be guilted into feeling guilty.

Guilt is other imposed.

Condemnation is Satan imposed.

Conviction is Holy Spirit exposed.

Out of the three, only one truly exposes our sin so we can be reconciled to Him.

The other two impose shame to bring about their endgame, making it about what we must do instead of what has already been done on our behalf.

When we make it about us, we remove the power of the Gospel. When we keep our eyes fixed on Him, the things we do, the way we live, the way we love is an overflow and not just for show.

“But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” ~ Ephesians‬ ‭5:13-17‬

We need to be on guard. We need to watch and pray, and we can’t do that if we are being lulled to sleep by our own efforts to be woke. We’re not waking up by putting our trust in this new social justice gospel that will actually put us to sleep as it pulls us away from the very Word of God.

When we humble ourselves and submit to His authority, that is the most alive, free, and awake we will ever be.

So... Just because the woke have spoke doesn’t mean we have to obey everything they say.