The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

God keeps dropping this little reminder in my heart to silence the conflicting messages that are incessantly vying for my attention and trying to change my Biblical worldview — a view that has been defined and refined by the very Word of God. It is a perspective that continually points me to His promises, and it is built upon a truth that is consistently absolute, undeniable, and indisputable.

If you share in this Biblical worldview by professing faith in Jesus Christ, these conflicting messages may be trying to distract and deter you, too.

Even though we hold fast to the very Word of God, still “false narratives” or “other gospels” that seem somewhat Biblical, but are built upon half truths, can easily shift our focus from the Ultimate Authority and Absolute Truth of the Bible by tugging on our heart strings and pulling us toward a worldly version of the truth, subjective in its solution, falling short in its execution, just like we all fall short of the glory of God.

There is only one way, one truth, one life — Jesus Christ, the son of God. The Gospel Truth from the Word of God.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

We cannot add to It to make It more powerful. We cannot subtract from It to make It more palatable.

It is what It is, and It is enough. In fact, It is more than enough when the world is just too much.

The world will continue to give us grief, but Jesus reminds us that the grief the world gives us can be replaced with the peace He gives us:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John‬ ‭16:33‬

In our own efforts to overcome this world, we will always fail. We will never be “woke” enough, “fragile” enough, or “insert social colloquialism” enough. This world will continually contrive “new” or “emerging” or “evolving” “truths” meant to replace or enhance, in its opinion, the outdated truth of an antiquated Bible.

Oh, but I beg to differ, and you should beg to differ, too if you maintain a Biblical worldview. The Bible is not antiquated or outdated. It is alive and active. (Hebrews 4:12)

Why do we feel the need to better the good news when it is the very best news we will ever hear? If we truly believe it, we must be willing to proclaim it, knowing that God will sustain it. 

If we ascribe to and live by this Biblical worldview, then it must not only inform the way we view everything in this world, it must transform our heart’s response to this world and our responsibility to steward that response in attitude, not just platitude, in decisions, not just indecision, and in word and deed — to say what I mean, mean what I say, and live out both in an unashamed way.

So whether or not you hold the same worldview and agree with the first part of the statement, I think we all can agree on the second part. This world is just too much — too much drama, too much chaos, too much division, too much hate, too much pain, too much ____________ (you fill in the blank)...

Christians who refuse to bend or sway or make the Gospel “more relevant” for today have been criticized for being narrow minded, but the very message of the Gospel preaches a set apartness, and the very thing that sets this worldview apart is its narrow framework. The Bible confirms that in the Gospel of Matthew:

“For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” (Matt‬ ‭7:14‬)

So, because we have chosen to live out this worldview, I hope and pray it not only informs our decisions, but transforms our hearts and lives, as Paul urges believers to do in Romans 12:2:

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

If the world is just too much for you right now (whether politically, socially, scientifically, medically, or otherwise), let me encourage you to read God’s Word and pray that He would help you rightly divide it so you can then apply it as a lens through which you view this this world.

The Word is more than enough  when the world is just too much.

If this statement God dropped in my heart is resonating with your heart, too, I’ll link two things I heard/read recently (a podcast episode by Allie Beth Stuckey and an article by Wayne Grudem) that offered more practical application, resources, and links that align with this desire to maintain a Biblical worldview and let The Word do its work by being more than enough when this world is just too much.

Oh Father, may we always seek to honor you in everything we say and do. Break our hearts for what breaks yours. Open our hearts to ways to practically live out our convictions, while not giving in to condemnation. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Thank you for the gift of salvation you give us through your son, Jesus. May that Gospel Truth resonate so deeply in our hearts that it changes the way we live our lives, tell our stories, and share your love with others, in word and deed. We are forever grateful that You are forever faithful, and that YOU and YOU ALONE are MORE THAN ENOUGH when this world is just too much. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

And if you do not agree with my assessment of a Biblical worldview, I’d love to hear from you.


Tabitha Deller

Tabitha is a wife, mom, author, and speaker. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, Steve, and is the mom of four sons. She loves words — written or spoken and is passionate about God’s Word and the life changing truths found in it. From reading it to writing about it, her heart's desire is that others will be encouraged by it. She has authored and taught Bible Studies for large groups, small groups, and online groups. You can find out more about Tabitha at