If Something is Reality, It Cannot be Conspiracy

For a year and a half, we’ve lived in a world plagued by a pandemic. We’ve watched life as we  know it drastically change in ways that suggest it may never be the same. I’ve written a few articles on the debates fueled by these changes — the first couple about masks, specifically, and my strongly held view of the bigger picture surrounding them, the third about the bigger picture itself, and the last and most recent, a response to an article by John Piper. You can read them at the links below:

The Great Mask Debate

The Great Mask Debate {Revisited}

The Greatest De-Bait

Isn’t Freedom a Reason To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated

My issue all along has not been with a piece of cloth or a shot in the arm, it has been with mandating these things must be done in order for this battle to be won. One thing this past 19 months has revealed is that this war wages on well beyond a pandemic.

And if we continue to give in, this war will never end.

One mandate sets the stage for the next, but even the lunacy, hypocrisy, and inconsistency surrounding the mandates has not been enough to convince the masses that…

If something is reality, it cannot be conspiracy.

Lest I be accused of mincing words, let me put it this way:

The further we make our way into this pandemic, the closer we have become to the data and statistics. By now, we all likely know someone, probably multiple someones, who have died of/from/with this virus. It’s awful. It’s heart wrenching, and of course it compels us to want to “do our part” to end this pandemic, right?

However, I’d also say…

The further we make our way into this pandemic, the closer we have become to the data and statistics. By now, we all likely know someone, probably multiple someones, who have been adversely affected by certain mitigation efforts that promised to keep them protected.

And time marches on. And they say, “time will tell.” And as the days of this pandemic turn into weeks and months, and years, time is starting to reveal by reality what some once chided as conspiracy. Time has given tests and trials and true stories better accuracy, further accountability, and more validity. As the efficacy of masking and vaxxing has been called into question, more and more eyes are being opened to, what an increasing number would consider, lies — lies that say these mandates are the ONLY way.

Mask mandates gave way to vaccine mandates. Might I remind you, the latter of the two was dismissed as conspiracy by more than a few. Even Biden and Fauci assured us mandating vaccination would never be part of the mitigation strategy from a federal level, but here we are under the tyranny of their changing narrative. Daily we’re given a dose of “fact checked” messaging boasting about their “safety and efficacy” while warning of the “misinformation” of conspiracy theories all the while ignoring the very real and scientifically proven strength of natural immunity.

I’ve said it before, and I still believe, masking and even vaxxing are not living up to their promise of mitigating this disease, but doing much more to manipulate a society. Moreover, these mandates have proven harmful and destructive to the physical, social, emotional, mental, financial, and spiritual well being of so many people.

I try not to get too deep into the scientific weeds when discussing the harder things — the things we will never fully comprehend, because increasingly true scientific debate is being silenced and only one narrative is accepted out of fear of being canceled, but as a Christian, I believe I have a responsibility to stand up for truth, no matter the cost.

As I read God’s Word, the only source of objective truth…

He compels me to never compromise by giving into the enemy’s lies.

He compels me to speak out against the conflation of His Word and the enemy’s misinformation.

He compels me to be a light in dark places by taking the Gospel into those spaces.

He compels me to draw a line in the sand — a line that defines where I will always stand.

He compels me to stand for truth — truth based in reality.


If something is reality, it cannot be conspiracy.

If you agree this is our reality, please stand with me for true liberty — not selfishly but for all those that need to be set free from the bondage of sin. 

The Gospel is the only way to freedom in Christ — freedom from the enemy’s tyranny.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. ~ John 8:32

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. ~ John 8:36

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. ~ Galatians 5:1

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. ~ Ephesians 6:12