If Something is Reality, It Cannot be Conspiracy

If Something is Reality, It Cannot be Conspiracy

For a year and a half, we’ve lived in a world plagued by a pandemic. We’ve watched life as we know it drastically change in ways that suggest it may never be the same. I’ve written a few articles on the debates fueled by these changes — the first couple about masks, specifically, and my strongly held view of the bigger picture surrounding them, the third about the bigger picture itself, and the last and most recent, a response to an article by John Piper. You can read them at the links below:

The Great Mask Debate

The Great Mask Debate

The Greatest De-Bait

Isn’t Freedom a Reason To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated

My issue all along has not been with a piece of cloth or a shot in the arm, it has been with mandating these things must be done in order for this battle to be won. One thing this past 19 months has revealed is that this war wages on well beyond a pandemic.

And if we continue to give in, this war will never end.

One mandate sets the stage for the next, but even the lunacy, hypocrisy, and inconsistency surrounding the mandates has not been enough to convince the masses that…

If something is reality, it cannot be conspiracy.

Lest I be accused of mincing words, let me put it this way:

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Isn’t Freedom a Reason To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated? — A Response to John Piper’s article: “A Reason to be Vaccinated: Freedom”

Isn’t Freedom a Reason To Be or Not To Be Vaccinated? — A Response to John Piper’s article: “A Reason to be Vaccinated: Freedom”

You can read (and/or listen to John Piper read) the article in its entirety at the link below. I did both hoping that hearing his tone would help me better understand his heart and his reason for the article, but honestly, it left me confused and concerned about a well respected Christian influencer’s interpretation of freedom.

A Reason to Be Vaccinated: Freedom (Article by John Piper posted on 10/19/21)

Granted, Piper’s article focuses on freedom FROM the fear of man in which he concludes, or rather assumes, for his audience, this freedom leads to a reason FOR vaccination, not FOR choice. He glosses over those who may have chosen not to be vaccinated for various reasons, to focus on those he fears are falling prey to dangerous ideologies or conspiracies that might be the peer pressure holding them back from getting vaxxed.

Isn’t freedom a reason to be or not to be? Isn’t there peer pressure on both sides?

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There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?

There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?

There are two sides to every story until there’s not, and then what?

On April 21, 2020, a month into a global pandemic, there was a whole lot going on in my heart (there still is), but there were also a whole lot of unknowns, a whole lot of new ideas, theories, and data, and a whole whole lot of personal opinions. I processed my take on it all in this social media post entitled, There are Two Sides to Every Story months before I began officially “blogging” on my website.

And I FELT every word of that post, and I meant it, too. I still do. There are passionate people on both sides. Passionate for extremely personal reasons. Passionate because of this incredibly hard season.

Fast forward almost a year and a half later, and while there are still (and always will be) unknowns, there is a whole lot more research, data, and experience forming and fueling these ideas and theories (and a theory can be just that, a plain ol’ theory devoid of any conspiracy).

That being said. I still believe...

There are two sides to every story...until there’s not, and then what?

What exactly do I mean? Well, let me explain by telling you what I see...

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