Conversations > Cancellations

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

TRUTH, God’s Truth, to a believer of that truth, is verifiable, undeniable, indisputable, non-negotiable, actual, factual TRUTH.

It is objective, not subjective. The object of that truth is Jesus Christ Himself, and that truth is not subject to change based on opinions or feelings. If the Gospel is not objective truth to the believer, then what’s the point in believing it? Its veracity gives it authority, and its authority commands our bravery — bravery to have that hard conversation and not succumb to cancellation.

Now more than ever, our conversations about truth have been sabotaged by our dissenting definitions of truth. In order for truth to be worth defending, it must be objective, based on facts and logic, free of individual subjectivity or relativism.

Obviously, I’m approaching this conversation from a Biblical Worldview, with the Bible, the very Word of God, being the ultimate authority on truth when viewing the world and all that is going on in it. I have wrestled with and reconciled this for myself, as I have trusted Jesus Christ, the son of God, as my Lord and Savior.

As a child of God, my highest calling is to know Him and make Him known. I believe all who have trusted Him, all Christians, should view the world with that same objective, authoritative Biblical Truth as their lens. If we lack that perspective, we get confused and cower to the ways of this world — ways that are contrary to truth, crafty at their roots, and cunning to boot — so much so they threaten to lead us further and further away from that objective truth that urges us to stay.

Whether you’re a great theologian or a great big skeptic, one of the world’s smartest academics or struggle to make sense of common logic, whether you are a conspiracy theorist, right or left wing activist, a BLM supporter or CRT purporter, whether you are an MD with a PhD or you have no degree and would rather agree to disagree, if you have placed your trust and hope in Christ, you have been called to stand up for Truth. Standing up for Biblical Truth requires releasing “lesser truths” that are subject to change and receiving “the only truth” that leads to life change.

We all want to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and guess what? The Bible has defined that all along. And if we claim to believe it, we must show we believe it, by the way we receive it, apply it and no longer deny it in our conversations about truth.

We’re all called to be apologists — not to apologize for our faith, but to defend our faith, and all the more against the opposition we face.

We must practice standing up and speaking up or our default will be to sit down and shut up. It’s like playing an instrument or sport, the more your practice it, the better you’ll get at it. Start in safe spaces, but have the conversations. They will become more challenging, but you’ll be better equipped to have them the less you shy away from them.

In an age of silencing and censoring dissenting views, our voices must be louder and stronger when speaking the truth.

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

Especially when that objective truth claims that Jesus is “the way the truth and the life.” (John 14:6). If that’s truly what we believe, for anything else to be substitutional or supplemental for salvation and sanctification, we’re denying the all sufficiency of the Gospel of Jesus Christ — saying His grace is not sufficient, and His sacrifice is actually deficient. If His truth, Biblical Truth is our ultimate authority, to add to it (to make it more palatable) or sift through it (to make it more relatable) actually negates the very truth upon which we’re standing!

If we claim a Biblical worldview, God’s truth has to be the only truth, because if it is not, it loses its power and its purpose.

And if it is so powerful and purposeful, why would we withhold it from others?

Martin Luther said, “Peace if possible, truth at all costs.” We’ve lost the value of truth in our search for peace. We are seeking Kumbaya campfire moments more than we are seeking the very face of God and pleading with Him to start a fire in our hearts. God’s peace finds us when His truth binds us.

TRUTH, God’s Truth, to a believer of that truth, is verifiable, undeniable, indisputable, non-negotiable, actual, factual TRUTH.

It is the only truth worth our breath and life. Anything else robs us of our time and energy as it shifts our focus to the temporary and off the things that will last for eternity.

If you’ve been nervous to have those harder conversations about this objective truth because you’re afraid of what others may think, how they may respond, or if you’re going to get criticized, ridiculed, or maybe even cancelled, just remember Jesus was criticized and ridiculed, too, far more than anything we’ll ever go through. But He did not back down, and He was not cancelled because He had a divine appointment to cancel the enemy’s lies and defend God’s truth by defeating death and making that truth truer than true and completely accessible for me and for you!

Brave heroes of the faith stand up. They speak up. When others back down and cower, they hold the line and refuse to be devoured.

We are living in a time where absurdity and idiocy are masking as normalcy, and honestly, it’s a travesty. Truth is truth and we need to speak it without excuse.

So, may I encourage you with this challenge make conversation greater than cancellation. Instead of aimlessly walking around in what may feel like some alternate reality, let’s stand up on God’s ultimate authority and speak His truth boldly and unashamedly for all those who need to believe it and be set free!

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.