There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?

There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?

There are two sides to every story until there’s not, and then what?

On April 21, 2020, a month into a global pandemic, there was a whole lot going on in my heart (there still is), but there were also a whole lot of unknowns, a whole lot of new ideas, theories, and data, and a whole whole lot of personal opinions. I processed my take on it all in this social media post entitled, There are Two Sides to Every Story months before I began officially “blogging” on my website.

And I FELT every word of that post, and I meant it, too. I still do. There are passionate people on both sides. Passionate for extremely personal reasons. Passionate because of this incredibly hard season.

Fast forward almost a year and a half later, and while there are still (and always will be) unknowns, there is a whole lot more research, data, and experience forming and fueling these ideas and theories (and a theory can be just that, a plain ol’ theory devoid of any conspiracy).

That being said. I still believe...

There are two sides to every story...until there’s not, and then what?

What exactly do I mean? Well, let me explain by telling you what I see...

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God's Standard is Set. We Must Never Forget...

God's Standard is Set. We Must Never Forget...

God’s standard is set

We must never forget

Our words may fail

His Word will always prevail

I’ve been a little MIA on the blog lately, 3 weeks to be exact, which is the longest breath I’ve taken since I’ve been verbally processing on this platform for nearly a year now. But please don’t mistake my mute for lack of having something to say. Actually, I’ve had far too much to say. I’ve just been processing a little more privately than publicly lately.

Processing all that is going on in the world through the lens of a Biblical worldview, with God’s Word as our standard and His love as our guide, we can never go wrong and never lose our way, because He will never lead us astray.

So, if this world is a little too much for you, too, might I encourage you to pull away. Spend more time reading His Word than you spend reading others’ words. Spend more time measuring your motives to His standard than you do trying to please others, fit in, or not offend.

Honestly, I’m worn out by all the words — especially the vile words being spewed because of the evil being pursued. Did you know the words evil and vile are made up of the same letters, just placed in a different order? And what this spells out to me is that evil is evil no matter how you try to twist or spin it, hide or disguise it.

I’m worn out by the lack of common sense and the disregard for Biblical Truth that’s actually perpetuating the evil (all under the guise of “the right thing” or “the loving thing”). Let me tell you — lying to someone is never right, and it definitely is not loving.

I’m worn out by Christians falling prey to this evil by buying into its lies, all in the name of “love,” when really, loving the world is actually hating God (James 4:4).

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Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity

We serve a Triune God. Three in one. The essence of Unity in Diversity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — same Almighty God, yet uniquely different.

This past Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, Dr. Joe Green continued his sermon series on unity as he contrasted the story of the Tower of Babel found in Genesis 11 with the story of Pentecost found in Acts 2.

In both stories, unity was being sought.

In Genesis, they were seeking a prideful unity that resulted in disobedience to God and was fueled by wanting to control unity by their own means. They had one language, but instead of trusting God with their unity, they wanted to “make a name from themselves.” The result: God confused their language and scattered them.

In Acts 2:1-8, this is what we read, “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language. And they were amazed and astonished, saying, “Are not all these who are speaking Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language?”

The Acts account of unity is still unity in diversity, but it’s God ordained, given by the Father, sealed by the Son, manifested by the Holy Spirit. The people were all together in one place, but this time, they did not try to control the unity. They trusted God’s plan that was ushered in by a mighty rushing wind. Just like in Genesis, they began to speak in other languages. This time, however, it did not confuse or divide them, it brought them together and unified them. Verse 5 tells us that devout men from every nation under heaven heard it and came together because of it. They were amazed and astonished because each one was hearing his own language.

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Battling The Terrible Toos by Telling the Truth

Battling The Terrible Toos by Telling the Truth

“too” — a tiny word carrying a lot of weight. A superlative adverb of sorts indicating a higher degree, and excessive amount, a little more than before. Ironically, as a child, I always remembered how to spell this form of the word because it had an extra “o” — ya know, the overachiever of the homophone.

And just like that little word, I “too” can become an overachiever by doing too much too often, becoming too busy too fast, and before I know it, I “too” am wearing overachievement like it’s some badge of honor. I’m learning, though, if not worn properly, it really just covers up the deeper issues of pride and perfection.

I saw a post circulating on social media. You may have seen it, too. It was an image of a letterboard. On the letterboard was a prayer, but the only words that were recognizable were “Dear God,” at the beginning, and “Amen,” at the end. The middle of the prayer consisted of all the other letters just being spilled out and mixed together — all jumbled up. This image and the message it (ironically) so clearly communicates likely resonates with all of us at times, especially when we may be battling the terrible toos!

When I’m too busy, too stressed, too this, or too that, my natural response is initially to double down, which usually leads to meltdown, and eventually and inevitably leads to shutdown.

In my world, it can manifest as writer’s block, creative constipation that leads to verbal vomiting. No matter how you say it (or not say it if the words will not come to express it), it’s a frustrating feeling for a person who is rarely short on words.

And I want to do more than just whip words out, I want to wield them well. My words just get mixed up when they aren’t filtered through His Word, and they can’t be filtered through His Word, if I’m not spending time in His Word daily, because I can’t spend time in His Word daily when my daily schedule has me doing way too much!

Jumbled letters and mixed up words (for me) are indicators of a jumbled life and mixed up priorities. They scream at me like a bad case of the “terrible toos.”

The saying “too many irons in the fire” dates back to the 1600s when a blacksmith would keep irons in the fire while he worked shaping them into what they needed to be. If there were too many irons in the fire, the fire would get too hot and the blacksmith would be too busy to keep up with the work before the irons would melt and disintegrate in the intense heat. So, what once was well on its way to becoming something beautiful burns out and burns up before beauty is beheld.

I don’t know about you, but I can tell very quickly when I have too many irons in the fire. The overachieving makes me underproductive, and doubling down leads to meltdown.

Too many irons in the fire. Too many letters on a board. Too many or too much really equals too little and not enough. We are overloading our schedules, our lists, and our lives without undergirding any of it with prayer.

Just like a toddler with a bad case of the terrible twos needs correction, this momma with a bad case of the terrible “toos” needs to heed some correction, too!

“It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.” ~ Psalms‬ ‭127:2‬

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We Will Go the Way of What We're Willing to Say

We Will Go the Way of What We're Willing to Say

Another post…another poem about truth. I hope that’s ok. Since this is what’s been heavy on my heart, I might as well “practice what I preach” or more accurately, “post what I speak.” To see the poem I posted prior to this one, click here.

And now, without further adieu, another poem I wrote just for you (and for me, too)…

We will go the way

of what we’re willing to say…

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Deep Calls to Deep

Deep Calls to Deep

“Deep is calling out to deep, and it’s calling out to those who want to go deep.”

I recently heard this quote, and like a few others I’ve heard from Pastor Joe Green, it resonated deeply. Now y’all know, I love a good quote. The catchier, the better, right? But more than tickle my ears, this one touched my spirit. It stuck in a way I can’t quite explain. I promise I’ll try for the sake of this post, but more than my feeble attempt to dive deeper into the meaning of Pastor Green’s words with my words, I’m praying for us all to have a passion and desire to dive deeper into God’s Word.It is only in His Word we will find the only truth in which to trust, the only depth in which to delve, and the only hope in which to hope. Nothing else will satisfy. This is not something new, it is an age old truth, and it is truly calling out to me and you...

“Deep is calling out to deep, and it’s calling out to those who want to go deep.”

“Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.” ~ Psalm‬ ‭42:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

God’s desire for His people is not that we would pick and choose the truths that are easy to use. In fact, when we do that, we often misuse and abuse God’s truth and its original intent to not only inform us, but transform us.

We cheapen grace every time we justify sin.

Sin was evil then, and it’s evil now. Yes, those in Christ are covered by His blood, and His grace is powerful and sufficient enough to cover our sin and make us right with Him. But Paul says in the New Testament,

“What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” ~ Romans‬ ‭6:1-2‬ ‭ESV‬‬

What was evil then, is evil now. Just because God loved us so much to make a way through His son, Jesus, to save us from sin, does not mean He suddenly changed His mind in regard to how He feels about sin or what He defines as sin.

If it was an abomination to the God of all creation, then who are we to think just because He set us free from the bondage of that sin, we are free to continue in that sin? The perpetuation of any abomination grieves the heart of the Father who sent His son for our sanctification. Like Paul said, “By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?” ~ Romans 6:2

“Deep is calling out to deep, and it’s calling out to those who want to go deep.”

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Conversations > Cancellations

Conversations > Cancellations

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

TRUTH, God’s Truth, to a believer of that truth, is verifiable, undeniable, indisputable, non-negotiable, actual, factual TRUTH.

It is objective, not subjective. The object of that truth is Jesus Christ Himself, and that truth is not subject to change based on opinions or feelings. If the Gospel is not objective truth to the believer, then what’s the point in believing it? Its veracity gives it authority, and its authority commands our bravery — bravery to have the hard conversation and not succumb to cancellation.

Now more than ever, our conversations about truth have been sabotaged by our dissenting definitions of truth. In order for truth to be defendable, it must be objective, based on facts and logic, free of individual subjectivity or relativism.

Obviously, I’m approaching this conversation from a Biblical Worldview, with the Bible, the very Word of God, being the ultimate authority on truth when viewing the world and all that is going on in it. I have wrestled with and reconciled this for myself, as I have trusted Jesus Christ, the son of God, as my Lord and Savior.

As a child of God, my highest calling is to know Him and make Him known, and I believe all who have trusted Him, all Christians, should view the world with that same objective, authoritative Biblical Truth as their lens lest we get confused and cower to the ways of this world that are contrary, crafty, and cunning — so much so they threaten to lead us further and further away from that objective truth that urges us to stay.

Whether you’re a great theologian or a great big skeptic, one of the world’s smartest academics or struggle to make sense of common logic, whether you are a conspiracy theorist, right or left wing activist, a BLM supporter or CRT purporter, whether you are an MD with a PhD or you have no degree and would rather agree to disagree, if you have placed your trust and hope in Christ, you have been called to stand up for Truth. Standing up for Biblical Truth requires releasing “lesser truths” that are subject to change and receiving “the only truth” that leads to life change.

We all want to know what’s right and what’s wrong, and guess what? The Bible has defined that all along. And if we claim to believe it, we must show we believe it, by the way we receive it, apply it and no longer deny it in our conversations about truth.

We’re all called to be apologists — not to apologize for our faith, but to defend our faith, and all the more against the opposition we face.

We must practice standing up and speaking up or our default will be to sit down and shut up. It’s like playing an instrument or sport, the more your practice it, the better you’ll get at it. Start in safe spaces, but have the conversations. They will become more challenging, but you’ll be better equipped to have them the less you shy away from them.

In an age of silencing and censoring dissenting views, our voices must be louder and stronger when speaking the truth.

We must have conversations about objective truth because they are so much greater and far more effective than cancellations over subjective truth.

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Chew the Meat, Spit Out the Bones. Sound Advice or a Dangerous Lie?

Chew the Meat, Spit Out the Bones. Sound Advice or a Dangerous Lie?

You may be able to chew the meat and spit out the bones, but you can’t chew the meat and spit out the poison.

Maybe you’ve heard part or all of this clever expression, and while it may be quite clever, it’s also rather concerning.

I‘ve actually heard it quoted a couple times recently, once during a conversation between Allie Beth Stuckey and Dr. Neil Shenvi, and Dr. Shenvi’s addition of the poison component resonated so very deeply in my troubled heart.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the seeming innocence of the first part of this expression in juxtaposition to the dangerous toxicity of the latter half.

In light of the many false narratives circulating among our culture and the false gospels creeping into our churches, I’m feeling an urge to call it out — not to stir the pot, but to stir your heart.

What “gospel” are you reading? And who are you believing? Are you listening and learning out of guilt? Are you being convinced your very moral foundation must be rebuilt?

There are a lot of new ideologies floating around out there, with seemingly innocent and somewhat good messages, but the truth of the matter is, there is only one truth that matters — the Gospel Truth.

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In a Year of Curve Balls, Free Falls, and Duty Calls, We need to Align with the True Plumb Line

In a Year of Curve Balls, Free Falls, and Duty Calls, We need to Align with the True Plumb Line

Oh 2020, you’ve been full of curve balls, free falls, and duty calls.

Curve balls that have consisted of cancelations, closures, and the craziness covid invited into our daily lives.

Free falls that have felt a bit out of control and left us not knowing how to pull the cord, when to open the chute, or where we should land.

Duty calls. We’ve voted so our voice could be heard. We’ve prayed so His voice would be the final word.

We’ve questioned our sanity. But even that doesn’t change reality. 2 + 2 = 4. Always and forever. When things in our world aren’t quite adding up, it’s time to get back to the basics (because it’s highly probable someone’s been skewing the equations)...

Gospel Truth through the lens of a Biblical Worldview. He died once. For all. Sin divides us. Jesus unites us.

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Love what God Loves. Hate what He Hates. Do what He says. Walk in His Ways.

Love what God Loves. Hate what He Hates. Do what He says. Walk in His Ways.

Love what God loves. Hate what He hates. Do what He says. Walk in His ways.

Love is not love outside of Love Himself. God is love. (1 John 4:8)

We can try as we might to rewrite these truths to better fit our culture, but truth is truth. God is God, and He is love.

Love and Truth do not exist without Him. They exist because of Him.

He has commanded us to love from the beginning. It is not a new concept. There are no new rules to follow.

He hasn’t changed His standard. He hasn’t edited His Word to make it more culturally relevant.

Church, we must stop allowing the world to tell us how to love. We must stop allowing the lies and deception of the world to replace the truth of God’s Word.

It’s dangerous. It’s deception at it’s finest, and God will have no part in it.

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