Wake up, Church. Rise up, Saint.

Wake up, Church

Rise up, Saint

Run and not grow weary

Walk and not faint

We can only do this

As we wait on Him

Saying yes to obedience

Saying no to sin

Wait with sweet anticipation

For all He wants to do

He could do all Himself

But He uses me and you

So seek His face

And submit to His Way

Read His Word

Worship and Pray

And the things of this world

Will grow strangely dim

Less attractive

Less like Him

You see, more and more

The church is caving

Not standing for Biblical Truth

Satisfying what the flesh is craving

Wake up, Church

Rise up, Saint

Run and not grow weary

Walk and not faint

There is a distinction

And we must make it known

Look different than the world

Because this world is not our home

Others long to see the difference

Syncretism will never satisfy

If God’s ways are higher

We can’t stoop and bend to lies

To live out being set apart

We must stand up and speak out

Love and serve others, yes

But tell them what it’s all about

Point them to the Word with our words

Urge them to live by God’s standard alone

That’s the only way to really love others

The only way to truly make Him known

So know His Word

And do what it says

To bring Glory to Him

Not just to impress

Wake up, Church

Rise up, Saint

Run and not grow weary

Walk and not faint