Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 2: The Power of God

June 2nd. Day 2 of this blog series. Walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians.”

Today’s reason — The Power of God.

“Outside of heaven, the power of God in its highest density is found inside the gospel. This must be so, for the Bible twice describes the gospel as “the power of God.” {Rom. 1:16} Nothing else in all of Scripture is ever described in this way, except for the Person of Jesus Christ. {1 Cor. 1:24} Such a description indicates that the gospel is not only powerful, but that it is I the ultimate entity in which God’s power resides in does its greatest work.”

Milton Vincent, author of this primer, goes on to say...

“Indeed, God‘s power is seen in erupting volcanos, in the unimaginably hot boil of our massive sun, and in the lightning speed of a recently discovered star seen streaking through the heavens at 1.5 million miles per hour. Yet in Scripture such wonders are never labeled, “the power of God.“ How powerful, then, must the gospel be that it would merit such a title! And how great is the salvation it could accomplish in my life, if I would only embrace it by faith {Heb. 4:2} and give it a central place in my thoughts each day!”

So, if you, like me, struggle at times to fathom the immense and intense POWER of an all powerful God, let me encourage you to remind yourself daily through the all sufficiency of His Word which is sustained by the Good News of the Gospel Jesus Christ. It is in and through the Gospel that God’s POWER is made PERFECT as it relates to His PLAN for you and me.

Jesus Christ, to Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity, made a way for you and me to be reconciled to God, the Father.

He is a HOLY God, INFINITE and more POWERFUL than our finite and feeble minds will ever comprehend.

His holiness requires a boldness of power.

He redeemed us. He gave His life and paid the price to give us life because there is no other sacrifice with that kind of power.

He reconciled us. He made a way for relationship with the Father because there is no other relationship with that kind of power.

He restored us. He made us better than before because there is no other transformational work with that kind of power.

Let the Gospel blow you away in awe and wonder every single day. What are some of your favorite verses/passages about God’s power?