Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 7: Freedom from Sin’s Power

Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 7: Freedom from Sin’s Power

June 7th. Day 7 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians” by Milton Vincent.

Today’s reason — Freedom from Sin’s Power.

And about this reason to rehearse the gospel daily, Vincent says this...

“As long as I am stricken with the guilt of my sins, I will be captive to them, and will often find myself re-committing the very sins about which I feel most guilty. The devil is well aware of this fact; he knows that if he can keep me tormented by sin’s guilt, he can dominate me with sin’s power.”

He goes on to say...

“The gospel, however slays sin at this root point and thereby nullifies sin’s power over me. The forgiveness of God, made known to me through the gospel, liberates me from sin’s power because it liberates me first from its guilt {Romans 6:14}; And preaching such forgiveness to myself is a practical way of putting the gospel into operation as a notifier of sins power in my life.”

When I read Vincent’s words above and the words of Paul in the book of Romans, which is the very inspired Word of God breathed out by Him and penned by men for you and me, I cannot help but be fully convinced of this verse found in the Gospel of John...

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” ~ John 8:36

That word, indeed, is such a sealer of truth isn’t it? No questions asked. No ability to debate or argue a different point. Indeed. Not just lip service or a pretty thing to say. Not only in word, but in DEED. It has been done and accomplished. It is finished!

I saw an article recently by Clarence Haynes Jr. that summed up what it means to have freedom in Christ this way...

Having freedom in Christ means we have freedom from:

The Bondage of Sin (Our Captivity)

The Penalty of Sin (Our Eternity)

The Guilt and Shame of Sin (Our Vitality)

But Christ has not only freed us FROM these things, He has freed us TO these:

The Freedom to Live (Our Capacity)

The Freedom to Serve (Our Activity)

We are free indeed! Yet another reason to rehearse the gospel daily.

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Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 4: Transformed by Glory

Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 4: Transformed by Glory

June 4th. Day 4 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians.”

Today’s reason — Transformed by Glory.

“The glory of God is the most powerful agent of transformation available to mankind. It is so powerful that it transforms those who merely gaze upon it. The Apostle Paul gives personal testimony concerning this stunning fact. ‘That we all,’ he says, ‘beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.’ {2 Cor. 3:18} From Paul’s testimony I learned that if I wish to become all that God wants me to be, and I must behold his glory each day.”

Milton Vincent, author of this primer, offers further insight on practical application of “beholding the Glory of God in order to be transformed by it” as he has this to say about this reason to rehearse the gospel daily...

“But where do I find God’s glory to behold? Indeed, the glory of God is revealed throughout all of Creation {Psalm 19:1}, But the Bible indicates that, outside of heaven, the glory of God and it’s thickest density dwells inside the gospel. It is for this reason that the gospel is described in Scripture as ‘the gospel of the glory of Christ’ and ‘the gospel of the glory of the blessed God.’ {2 Corinthians 4:4} Consequently, as I habitually gaze upon the glory of the Lord revealed in the gospel, I can know that actual deposits of God‘s very glory are attaching themselves to my person and transforming me from one level of glory to another. {2 Cor. 3:18} This transformation is deep and abiding, and unfailingly displays the glory of God to others. {2 Cor. 3:13}”

Wow! Talk about a power packed, and somewhat abstract, reason to rehearse the gospel daily! I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of God’s glory. The thoughts I have when thinking about it in a physical form, is when Moses had to hide in the cleft of the rock to allow the glory of God to pass in front of Him. {Exodus 33 & 34} Oftentimes, it is described as a blinding light or a cloud or a pillar of fire. It manifests in God’s presence…

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Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 2: The Power of God

Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 2: The Power of God

June 2nd. Day 2 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians.”

Today’s reason — The Power of God.

“Outside of heaven, the power of God in its highest density is found inside the gospel. This must be so, for the Bible twice describes the gospel as “the power of God.” {Rom. 1:16} Nothing else in all of Scripture is ever described in this way, except for the Person of Jesus Christ. {1 Cor. 1:24} Such a description indicates that the gospel is not only powerful, but that it is I the ultimate entity in which God’s power resides in does its greatest work.”

Milton Vincent, author of this primer, goes on to say...

“Indeed, God‘s power is seen in erupting volcanos, in the unimaginably hot boil of our massive sun, and in the lightning speed of a recently discovered star seen streaking through the heavens at 1.5 million miles per hour. Yet in Scripture such wonders are never labeled, “the power of God.“ How powerful, then, must the gospel be that it would merit such a title! And how great is the salvation it could accomplish in my life, if I would only embrace it by faith {Heb. 4:2} and give it a central place in my thoughts each day!”

So, if you, like me, struggle at times to fathom the immense and intense POWER of an all powerful God, let me encourage you to remind yourself daily through the all sufficiency of His Word which is sustained by the Good News of the Gospel Jesus Christ. It is in and through the Gospel that God’s POWER is made PERFECT as it relates to His PLAN for you and me.

Jesus Christ, to Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity, made a way for you and me to be reconciled to God, the Father.

He is a HOLY God, INFINITE and more POWERFUL than our finite and feeble minds will ever comprehend.

His holiness requires a boldness of power — to redeem, reconcile, and restore...

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Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 1: A Daily Walk

Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 1: A Daily Walk

I’m pretty passionate about the transformational power of a daily walk with God. Why? Because I’ve lived it and witnessed it, and I’ve watched how resistance to it and running from it have opposite results and actually give sin power.

Sin separates us from God. The Gospel makes a way for us to be reconciled to God and set free from that sin that separates.

It’s powerful. It’s transformational.

That’s why when I woke up this morning, I remembered going through this little book last June and sharing some thoughts everyday along the way. It was such an encouragement to me then, so I decided to do it again — as a reminder and to combat sin.

I pray this “blog series” throughout the month of June might be as encouraging to you as it is to me as I simply share some of the “whys” behind the Christian “walk.”

What is so powerful about reading God’s Word DAILY?

Throughout this series, I’ll be referencing this amazing resource used in my devotional time in the mornings — a thin little book, less than 100 pages, written by Milton Vincent, entitled, “A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God’s Love.”

First of all, I highly recommend it, from its format to its function, it takes the reader through the “whys” and in so doing, strengthens the “walk.” Secondly, I’d love to take you through the first section with me (daily throughout the month of June).

We can engage in conversation in the comments about these 30 reasons why we should rehearse the gospel daily.

“The gospel isn’t one class among many you’ll attend during your life as a Christian – the gospel is the whole building that all the classes take place in! Rightly approached, all the topics your study and focus on as a believer will be offered to you ‘within the walls’ of the glorious gospel.” ~ CJ Mahaney, “The Cross Centered Life”

So, the first “why” to our “walk” we’ll discuss — It is a DAILY need. We must walk “IN” it as we walk it “OUT” daily.

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