The Come and Go of the Gospel

The Come and Go of the Gospel

The come and go of the Gospel.

Christmas & Easter.

Two holidays we celebrate to commemorate two holy days of the Christian faith.

The bookends of the Gospel holding together the come and go of the Gospel.

We’re four weeks away from the start of Advent and seven away from Christmas Day.

Seven weeks and two days later, we’ll start Lent on Ash Wednesday, conclude forty days later on Maundy Thursday, and remember the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus on the three days that follow.

The come and go of the Gospel.

He came to bring life, light, love, and to leave a legacy. He came here to draw us NEAR. The heartbeat of NEAR, a 28-day ADVENTure through the Gospel of Matthew (the first of the the four Gospels).

He went away so we could STAY. When we Seek Him, Turn to Him, Abide in Him and, Yearn for His Return, we learn to STAY NEAR! The heartbeat of STAY, a 40-day excelLENT journey through the Gospel of John (the last of the four Gospels).

The come and go of the Gospel.

Jesus came and He went, so we could come to Him and go tell others about Him and make disciples for Him.

Observing these holy days is NEAR and dear to my heart because I long to STAY faithful until He comes and goes again.

The come and go of the Gospel.

He is coming again. He is going to take us to the place He’s prepared for us.

This world is not our home. Eternity awaits. And the way there was made as Jesus made His way to, through, and out of this world, and will make His way back again.

The come and go of the Gospel.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John‬ ‭10‬:‭10‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” (John‬ ‭14‬:‭1‬-‭4‬ ‭ESV‬‬)

Advent 2023 starts December 3.

Lent 2024 starts February 14.

NEAR is available now. STAY will be available soon, so stay tuned…

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Even on the Darkest Day, His Perfect Light is Making a Way

Even on the Darkest Day, His Perfect Light is Making a Way

December 21st.

The darkest day of the year.

The day that declares

winter is officially here.

Darker days

coupled with cooler weather

ushering in

the Light of the World,

our greatest treasure.

In the beginning

and still to this day,

God’s light continues

to make a way.

When He made the world

and when saved it,

in the dark of night

by His power and might,

God said,


And it was good.

And it’s still good today.

Even in the hard times,

the dark times,

it’s making a way.

Jesus is the light

and He shines brighter

against the backdrop

of a cold, dark world.

Winter may be here,

and the world full of fear,

but that darkness and despair

only highlight

the HOPE of LIGHT and LOVE

given for us.

An innocent babe

wrapped in swaddling clothes.

A vulnerable world

wrapped in His unending love.

The darkest night

Wrapped in His perfect light.

Pure and holy.

Blameless and true.

A winter welcoming warmth

For me and you.

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Words Have Been Hard, But God is Still Good

Words Have Been Hard, But God is Still Good

Words have been hard, but God is still good.

{Ironically the image I chose to go along with this post is of the Pierce family at Dewayne’s Celebration of Life service where God very powerfully spoke through Dewayne’s wife and each of his five kids with words and tears and supernatural strength. God gave them each perfect words to honor Dewayne — from leading worship to telling funny stories to thanking God for the amazing husband and father Dewayne was and the legacy they’ll each carry on in word and deed.}

I’ve been a little MIA lately on the blog and social media. I know I don’t owe anyone an explanation, but I’m sharing one just the same, because well, God prompted me to attempt to share in words what He’s been sharing with me in and through His Word. So, here goes...

December’s usually when I’m posting the most — Advent’s my favorite, and I usually have lots of thoughts to share as I journey through my Advent devotionals. December’s nostalgic, and I usually have lots of memories to share as I journey through pictures of Christmases past, traditions that have transitioned, and the love that still lasts.

But this year, this season was ushered in by pain, loss, sadness, and questions. Our family lost a dear friend. My best friend lost her husband. My husband lost his best friend. It’s been hard, but God is good.

As we try to make sense of it all, we’re faced with the reality that we will never fully make sense of it all, but even still, God is reminding me in His Word and in this season (that is known for hope and joy and peace) even if...

Words have been hard, He is still good.

Luke 2:18-19 says, “And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

While the weary world rejoices around us as we all wonder and marvel at the goodness of God in the message of the Gospel, God’s calling me (and maybe He’s calling you as well) to embrace verse 19 — “BUT Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.”

You can treasure and ponder SILENTLY AND PRIVATELY — intimately between you and your Savior, not for the whole world to see. And that’s ok. And God’s still good. And His Word is still true, even when and if words fail you.

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