Even on the Darkest Day, His Perfect Light is Making a Way

Even on the Darkest Day, His Perfect Light is Making a Way

December 21st.

The darkest day of the year.

The day that declares

winter is officially here.

Darker days

coupled with cooler weather

ushering in

the Light of the World,

our greatest treasure.

In the beginning

and still to this day,

God’s light continues

to make a way.

When He made the world

and when saved it,

in the dark of night

by His power and might,

God said,


And it was good.

And it’s still good today.

Even in the hard times,

the dark times,

it’s making a way.

Jesus is the light

and He shines brighter

against the backdrop

of a cold, dark world.

Winter may be here,

and the world full of fear,

but that darkness and despair

only highlight

the HOPE of LIGHT and LOVE

given for us.

An innocent babe

wrapped in swaddling clothes.

A vulnerable world

wrapped in His unending love.

The darkest night

Wrapped in His perfect light.

Pure and holy.

Blameless and true.

A winter welcoming warmth

For me and you.

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