The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

And “too much” is truly an understatement for the amount of absurdity, hypocrisy, and insanity we’re seeing on the daily. Not too much makes a lick of sense. Lies are blatant. Evil is rampant. And as Popeye would say, “I just can’t stands it!”

The enemy is working overtime to bully believers in Jesus Christ— taunting us by telling us our Biblical worldview is outdated, needs upgraded, so let’s just conflate it with things that degrade it!

Like I said, it’s just too much and quite frankly, I’ve had enough!

So, no thank you, enemy. Get thee behind me, because God’s Word will always be my Ultimate Authority.

The lens through which we view things has been defined and refined by the very Word of God. It is a perspective that continually points us to His promise, His provision, and His protection for His people.

Try as we might to hold fast to the Word of God, still “false gospels,” built upon half truths, can attempt to shift our focus from the Ultimate Authority and Absolute Truth of the Bible to a watered down, weak, worldly substitute, subjective in its solution, falling short in its execution, and furthering this great delusion.

There is only one way, one truth, one life — Jesus Christ, the son of God. The Gospel Truth from the Word of God.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

We cannot add to It to make It more powerful. We cannot subtract from It to make It more palatable.

It is what It is, It says what It says, It does what It does, and It is enough. In fact, It is more than enough when the world is just too much.

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