His Word > our words. His Truth > our truth.

His Word > our words. His Truth > our truth.

I love the book of Ephesians. Today I spent time in Chapter 4, and it made me think ALOT about our words in light of His Word and our tone in light of His Truth. I encourage you to read it, too. I promise it is more powerful than these words I’m about to share with you.

Allie Beth Stuckey put it this way, “It goes back to pride. We think we are more loving than God, we think we are wiser than God, we think we are more compassionate and empathetic than God, we think we know truth better than God. It’s all about exchanging the God of scripture for the god of self.”

When we think we know better than God, and we abandon His Truth, we will inevitably give in to the deception of the enemy. We will buy into the lie by constantly asking the question the enemy himself asked Eve in the garden, “Did God really say?”

He tries to trick us into thinking our tone is more important than speaking the truth.

He tries try to tempt us to believe our words show others love by coddling and comforting them, even if our words condone their sin.

We’re more concerned about how something sounds than what is being said.

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Only Then & All for Him

Only Then & All for Him

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.” ~ Joshua 1:8

We can’t obey everything in it if we aren’t in it everyday — Continually and consistently in the Word, not casually and conveniently to receive a word. God wants to speak to us every single day in an ongoing and active way — not just to tickle our ears but to transform our lives.

Two little words in this verse positioned perfectly to perfectly position us in complete submission and total surrender.


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Stop the Scroll if it’s not Feeding your Soul.

Stop the Scroll if it’s not Feeding your Soul.

Stop the scroll if it’s not feeding your soul.

If scrolling has you stressed or depressed, I’d love to offer you two simple words, followed by two more that lead to far more...

Just stop. Then start.

Stop scrolling. Start seeking.

Stop aimlessly and mindlessly reading content that leaves you discontent, and start reading THE WORD. God’s Word. It doesn’t return void (Isaiah 55:11), nor does it leave you feeling devoid.

I know there are accounts you follow that encourage and equip you with Biblical truths, and that is great.

But don’t just snack on sound bites, when you can feast of the Bread of Life.

We must stop the scroll if our feeds are weakening our souls. Our thumbs may be strengthened, but our spirits are weakened.

When God’s Word is read, we are not only fed, we’re nourished instead, and our spirit strengthened while the enemy is weakened.

Greg Boone of Look Up Lodge, says, “The absence of weight gives the illusion of strength.” I love how this pertains to and parallels this spiritual analogy of a well-nourished soul.

Scrolling, liking, commenting, and sharing may give the appearance of being “strong in the Lord” or “well versed in His Word,” but if we are not truly IN the Word, we will never truly live it OUT in the world. It’s merely an illusion or facade.

The absence of true connection with God (because of online connection with others) can give an illusion of intimacy. In time, however, it can lead to a misconnection with others and a disconnection with God.

Webster defines “misconnection” as “a wrong or faulty connection.” I define it this way: “online connection with others that causes a real life disconnection with God”... which makes us all desperately MISS CONNECTION with God!

“Connect with God first so you can connect with others best” has become a mantra of sorts for the way I want to live life and encourage other believers to live as well. But actions speak louder than words, and at times, I can find online connection with others coming before my connection with my the One who is above all others.

And it leaves me feeling frustrated and deflated because snacking on sound bites has me desperately craving more of Christ.

Less of me. Less of the world. Less scrolling.

Stop the scroll if it’s not feeding your soul.

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The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

The Word is more than enough when the world is just too much.

And “too much” is truly an understatement for the amount of absurdity, hypocrisy, and insanity we’re seeing on the daily. Not too much makes a lick of sense. Lies are blatant. Evil is rampant. And as Popeye would say, “I just can’t stands it!”

The enemy is working overtime to bully believers in Jesus Christ— taunting us by telling us our Biblical worldview is outdated, needs upgraded, so let’s just conflate it with things that degrade it!

Like I said, it’s just too much and quite frankly, I’ve had enough!

So, no thank you, enemy. Get thee behind me, because God’s Word will always be my Ultimate Authority.

The lens through which we view things has been defined and refined by the very Word of God. It is a perspective that continually points us to His promise, His provision, and His protection for His people.

Try as we might to hold fast to the Word of God, still “false gospels,” built upon half truths, can attempt to shift our focus from the Ultimate Authority and Absolute Truth of the Bible to a watered down, weak, worldly substitute, subjective in its solution, falling short in its execution, and furthering this great delusion.

There is only one way, one truth, one life — Jesus Christ, the son of God. The Gospel Truth from the Word of God.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

We cannot add to It to make It more powerful. We cannot subtract from It to make It more palatable.

It is what It is, It says what It says, It does what It does, and It is enough. In fact, It is more than enough when the world is just too much.

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When We Get the WORD IN, We Can Keep the WORLD OUT

When We Get the WORD IN, We Can Keep the WORLD OUT

You don’t even need to be fluent in Christianese, to be familiar with the phrase, “be in the world but not of it.” What does that even mean? Is it Biblical? And if so, how in the world do we live it out?

Let’s start with this passage from John 17: 14-19, Jesus’ words, a beautiful prayer to His Father, a plea He passionately poured out for His disciples on the eve of his crucifixion:

“I have given them your word, and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world. And for their sake I consecrate myself, that they also may be sanctified in truth.”

Jesus was willing to GIVE His life so we could HAVE life, eternally with Him and abundantly through Him. God’s WORD became FLESH to dwell among us for 33 years IN this WORLD. And when He both obediently and willingly left this world, He left His WORD with us. His WORD became flesh through Jesus, and it is still ALIVE and ACTIVE through the power of the Holy Spirit today.

His WORD. Our guide. Our compass. Our True North. When the world attempts to lead us astray. The Truth of His Word MUST lead the Way.

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