His Kingdom > This Platform. Care more about Hearts than Likes. Stop Playing Games. Start Loving People.

His Kingdom > This Platform. Care more about Hearts than Likes. Stop Playing Games. Start Loving People.

I am ashamed to say I’ve “played the game” — posting on this platform when “they“ said what I said would be read, researching the optimal times for maximum engagement. Likes, shares, saves. It all can be bit too much, like playing a game, a game you pay to play. It may not be a monetary investment, but at times, it has stolen my time and depleted my resources. It has sucked the life out of the life-giving reasons I started writing in the first place.

I get it. I know some of you navigate this space much better than me. Social media itself is not “evil.” It is a tool and resource that can be used in beneficial ways. I’ve seen it, and I admire those of you who steward it well.

But when it dictates when or how or why something is said instead of the when and how and why being born out of a passion for Christ, it’s a red flag for me. That’s when and how and why I need to step away and reevaluate.

Social media fasts are good. I recently did Wendy Speake’s “The 40-Day Social Media Fast.” It truly helped me put this online space in its proper place. Refraining from social media and retraining my heart and mind to crave God’s Word and time spent with Him and His people IRL is so life giving. Spending time in God’s Word never returns void. It produces a purpose and passion that takes you higher and farther than this platform ever will.

Producing “content” out of a place of rest in Him produces a content heart always ready for Kingdom work and Kingdom building.

If it’s all becoming a bit too much for you, let me encourage you to just take a break. Start your day in God’s word. End it there, too. Spend more time with people than on this app. Say no to needless scrolling. Don’t let the numbers become controlling. Bathe every post in prayer, and publish it when the Holy Spirit prompts. God is greater than the algorithms. Trust Him to guide it into the feeds at the time it needs to be seen.

Numbers mean nothing. Anyone can double click, but only God can make it stick. His Holy Spirit brings about life change. Our words and our ways will always fall short. His Word will never return void, and His ways are so much higher than ours.

He calls us to be faithful, to use our talents and gifts and abilities to glorify Him and build His kingdom, but the only rules we need to play by are the ones He established — speak the truth in love, glorify Him, edify others, be about His business, share the Gospel, love one another be kind and compassionate, forgive as He has forgiven us.

We need to check our hearts more than we check the numbers. Spend time with people more than we spend time on an app.

So, I’ll build His Kingdom, and let Him take care of my platform. I’ll follow Him (and encourage others to as well), and let Him take care of whoever “follows” me. I’ll love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I’ll read His Word. I’ll share His love and His truth with others, and let Him take care of who likes or reads or shares what I write or post or say.

Let’s care more about hearts than likes. Let’s stop playing games. Let’s start loving people.

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