Daily Seek His Face for the Grace Needed in this Online Space

Daily Seek His Face for the Grace Needed in this Online Space

Playing the social media game is not my thing, and yet, ironically, here I am, posting this for you, because maybe you’re feeling the tension, too.

I’m wired for real life, face to face conversations. I want to connect with others heart to heart. I’d rather talk, listen, respond, and react in real time, not in the comments section, not with an emoji, not scripted or edited.

Anyway, that’s been my hesitation in this space these days. I’m a pretty social person, so social media should be pretty easy, right?

Well, not for me. Reels are fun to make and encouragement is easy to give, but real life isn’t always fun and the encouragement I give isn’t always consistent with the life I live.

Somedays I feel like posting. Other days I feel like I should post, but really have nothing to say. And then there are days I just feel done, tapped out, and ready to log off.

But more than posting daily on social media, I want to daily stand at my post and wait on the Lord. I want to hear from Him first so I can interact with others best.

More than engaging with others online behind a screen, I want to engage with the King of kings through the pages of His Word as I approach His throne of grace and glean His perfect wisdom and truth.

Wisdom that will guide, supplement, and grant me daily doses of encouragement that are applicable for real life with real people that will produce real change, growth, and maturity.

Truth that sets me free to daily pursue all that He wants me to do. Truth that compels me to seek and trust the very source of life before going to other resources that often leave me dry.

So, while I’m showing up in this space today, this is your (and my) reminder that as we seek His face, He shows up for us with grace every day — grace greater than all our sin, grace that gives us access to all wisdom and truth made perfect in Him, grace for not only this space, but all the others we’ll face today, and every day forward.

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His Kingdom > This Platform. Care more about Hearts than Likes. Stop Playing Games. Start Loving People.

His Kingdom > This Platform. Care more about Hearts than Likes. Stop Playing Games. Start Loving People.

I am ashamed to say I’ve “played the game” — posting on this platform when “they“ said what I said would be read, researching the optimal times for maximum engagement. Likes, shares, saves. It all can be bit too much, like playing a game, a game you pay to play. It may not be a monetary investment, but at times, it has stolen my time and depleted my resources. It has sucked the life out of the life-giving reasons I started writing in the first place.

I get it. I know some of you navigate this space much better than me. Social media itself is not “evil.” It is a tool and resource that can be used in beneficial ways. I’ve seen it, and I admire those of you who steward it well.

But when it dictates when or how or why something is said instead of the when and how and why being born out of a passion for Christ, it’s a red flag for me. That’s when and how and why I need to step away and reevaluate.

Social media fasts are good. I recently did Wendy Speake’s “The 40-Day Social Media Fast.” It truly helped me put this online space in its proper place. Refraining from social media and retraining my heart and mind to crave God’s Word and time spent with Him and His people IRL is so life giving. Spending time in God’s Word never returns void. It produces a purpose and passion that takes you higher and farther than this platform ever will.

Producing “content” out of a place of rest in Him produces a content heart always ready for Kingdom work and Kingdom building.

If it’s all becoming a bit too much for you, let me encourage you to just take a break. Start your day in God’s word. End it there, too. Spend more time with people than on this app. Say no to needless scrolling. Don’t let the numbers become controlling. Bathe every post in prayer, and publish it when the Holy Spirit prompts. God is greater than the algorithms. Trust Him to guide it into the feeds at the time it needs to be seen.

Numbers mean nothing. Anyone can double click, but only God can make it stick. His Holy Spirit brings about life change. Our words and our ways will always fall short. His Word will never return void, and His ways are so much higher than ours.

He calls us to be faithful, to use our talents and gifts and abilities to glorify Him and build His kingdom, but the only rules we need to play by are the ones He established — speak the truth in love, glorify Him, edify others, be about His business, share the Gospel, love one another be kind and compassionate, forgive as He has forgiven us.

We need to check our hearts more than we check the numbers. Spend time with people more than we spend time on an app.

So, I’ll build His Kingdom, and let Him take care of my platform. I’ll follow Him (and encourage others to as well), and let Him take care of whoever “follows” me. I’ll love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I’ll read His Word. I’ll share His love and His truth with others, and let Him take care of who likes or reads or shares what I write or post or say.

Let’s care more about hearts than likes. Let’s stop playing games. Let’s start loving people.

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Stuck in Silence: What to do with Spiritual Paralysis & Spiritual Laryngitis

Stuck in Silence: What to do with Spiritual Paralysis & Spiritual Laryngitis

I have felt a bit confused lately about “my voice” in this really noisy and rather nauseating online world.

Chapter 2 of my Bible study, “CALLED,” was all about spiritual paralysis. Lately, however, I feel like I’ve had spiritual laryngitis. My heart is so full of things I’m learning and ways God is pouring into me, and yet I can’t seem to find words to communicate it all.

I guess in the writing world it’s called “writer’s block,” but this is more than a mental block — it’s an angst with what I’m holding, or rather what I’m beholding. What I’m seeing and experiencing in a world I hardly recognize is adding compounded weight to the burden I feel — It’s a burden so heavy, mere words can’t hold it. Only God can hold it. It was His Son, Jesus, His Living Word that told of it.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” ~ John‬ ‭16:33‬

So instead of sharing a lot of my empty words with you, I’ve been doing a whole lot of praying, crying out to him, allowing my heart to bleed freely before His throne of grace, trusting Him with these burdens as I seek His face, trusting His sovereignty in this confusing online space.

Spiritual paralysis can keep us stuck and spiritual laryngitis can keep us silent, but God has a way of moving in our hearts as he moves us closer to His heart. It’s in that experiential knowing God by experiencing His presence that we can be moved to action — free from spiritual paralysis and laryngitis to take steps and share words that will further His Kingdom.

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, for “‘In him we LIVE and MOVE and HAVE our BEING’; as even some of your own poets have said, “‘For we are indeed his offspring.’” ~ Acts‬ ‭17:26-28‬

“Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” ~ Romans‬ ‭8:26‬

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Disconnect to Reconnect. Unplug to Plug In.

Disconnect to Reconnect. Unplug to Plug In.

Social media.

The bane of my online existence.

Just because I’m writing about it today doesn’t mean I’m digging it most days.

In fact, there are days, more often than not, that I just want to be an in person person.

I don’t have the time or energy to scroll and play the game, and yet I know, in this day and age, it is a big part of connection with others. Lately, however, God has been emphasizing the “part“ of “part of.”

Thus the reason, my online presence may be a bit absent some days.

And guess what, that’s OK! You know why?

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Stop the Scroll if it’s not Feeding your Soul.

Stop the Scroll if it’s not Feeding your Soul.

Stop the scroll if it’s not feeding your soul.

If scrolling has you stressed or depressed, I’d love to offer you two simple words, followed by two more that lead to far more...

Just stop. Then start.

Stop scrolling. Start seeking.

Stop aimlessly and mindlessly reading content that leaves you discontent, and start reading THE WORD. God’s Word. It doesn’t return void (Isaiah 55:11), nor does it leave you feeling devoid.

I know there are accounts you follow that encourage and equip you with Biblical truths, and that is great.

But don’t just snack on sound bites, when you can feast of the Bread of Life.

We must stop the scroll if our feeds are weakening our souls. Our thumbs may be strengthened, but our spirits are weakened.

When God’s Word is read, we are not only fed, we’re nourished instead, and our spirit strengthened while the enemy is weakened.

Greg Boone of Look Up Lodge, says, “The absence of weight gives the illusion of strength.” I love how this pertains to and parallels this spiritual analogy of a well-nourished soul.

Scrolling, liking, commenting, and sharing may give the appearance of being “strong in the Lord” or “well versed in His Word,” but if we are not truly IN the Word, we will never truly live it OUT in the world. It’s merely an illusion or facade.

The absence of true connection with God (because of online connection with others) can give an illusion of intimacy. In time, however, it can lead to a misconnection with others and a disconnection with God.

Webster defines “misconnection” as “a wrong or faulty connection.” I define it this way: “online connection with others that causes a real life disconnection with God”... which makes us all desperately MISS CONNECTION with God!

“Connect with God first so you can connect with others best” has become a mantra of sorts for the way I want to live life and encourage other believers to live as well. But actions speak louder than words, and at times, I can find online connection with others coming before my connection with my the One who is above all others.

And it leaves me feeling frustrated and deflated because snacking on sound bites has me desperately craving more of Christ.

Less of me. Less of the world. Less scrolling.

Stop the scroll if it’s not feeding your soul.

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