The Short-sighted Vision of Woke-ism and Why We Must Stay Awake for Heaven’s Sake

The Short-sighted Vision of Woke-ism and Why We Must Stay Awake for Heaven’s Sake

I know I write about this ALOT, and I apolog... Actually, no, I’m not sorry for sharing what I do, because, in my humble opinion, anything less would be the most unloving, hateful thing I could do. To withhold the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a world in desperate need of Him would speak louder than these words I’m about to share. It would say, “I don’t care.” And I very very much!

So, in light of that eternal perspective, I offer this plea...

It’s time to wake up. And if you are awake, it’s time to stay awake and shake others awake. Woke-ism is on the move and it’s coming for me and you. It’s a game the enemy is playing, with rules governed by the lies he is saying, and fueled by the evil he is displaying...

And many are buying into the lies, playing the game, going along to get along, letting evil have its reign.

I came across this video series by Pastor Neil Stewart of Christ Covenant Church in Greensboro, NC, and quite honestly, he says all the things my eyes have been seeing, my spirit has been sensing, and my mind has been discerning (and he says them much more eloquently and concisely than I ever could)!

The series is entitled “Living Against the Darkness,” and this video (Be Woke) is all about the anti-Gospel methods used in counterproductive agenda of woke-ism…

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