Our Words to Him are More Powerful than our Words to Them.

Our Words to Him are More Powerful than our Words to Them.

I hate even implying that there’s an “us” and “them,” but it seems to be true everywhere we turn — politically, socially, and even spiritually.

But lest you believe all hope is lost, let me assure you, it is not. The key is to recognize the real enemy and turn our fight against him, not them.

The Gospel of Jesus offers hope that frees us — frees us from being “us” and “them” as it reconciles us all to Him — all who believe and receive His free gift of salvation.

My broken heart longs for true reconciliation and restoration in this broken world, but I know the only way that mend will be sustainable is if we are first reconciled to God and restored back to a right relationship with Him. His unchangeability has the supernatural ability to change us sincerely, so our hearts can long for true unity.

Just because there’s a “them,” God continues to remind me “they” are not the enemy. “They” are merely the ones who just disagree with me. The enemy is the enemy, and fighting him through prayer is the only way to victory.

Victory over our real enemy is the key. We’re not going to achieve perfect unity as we try to mesh conflicting ideologies. A self-centered, worldly ideology will not enhance a Christ-centered Biblical theology.

Perfect unity is for Eternity and can only be achieved through embracing the grace in the victory that took place for you and me — the victory Jesus won by defeating death to give us life. The most effective way to fight from that position of victory is to continually fight this battle on our knees.

So when emotions are high, and the words wanna fly because they’ve been brewin’ and you‘re ‘bout ready to spew them...

Remember these wise words from His Word...

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Disparity is Not a Rarity Because Our Humanity Disrupts Our Unity.

Disparity is Not a Rarity Because Our Humanity Disrupts Our Unity.

Disparity is not a rarity among the children of God, because our humanity continually disrupts our unity this side of eternity.

Sanctification, not unification, is the work of the Gospel.

Unity is for eternity.

In Ecclesiastes, the wise King Solomon reminds us “there is nothing new under the sun.”

We’ve always dealt with disparity in the Church — differences that stem from our inferences within. We read, we reason, we respond, and, inevitably our response differs from those who have also read, reasoned, and responded.

Why is that?!? And why can this age old problem not be solved by the timeless truth of the Word of God?

When God’s infinite wisdom and timeless truths are entrusted to the finite reasoning and limited understanding of mere mortals and immoral people, disparity is inevitable.

And yet, we can still praise God because no matter how much we disagree, and how wearying that can be, it is not new, and He will always see us through, because He is still the God who is making all things new. We must cling to Him, His Word, and His truth.

Disparity is not a rarity.

But God’s Word gives us clarity.

And His love is greater than our disparity.

“Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content. History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” ~ Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:8-9‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Nothing is new “under the sun” (or shall we say “in this world”). Worldly wisdom is meaningless, but Godly wisdom settles for nothing less than His holiness and righteousness.

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