A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear

A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear

A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear…

A mama’s work is never done, and although the specific tasks and responsibilities may change, the ultimate goal stays the same.

Protect, provide, prepare.

From toddler to teen, and every stage in between, from the moment we bring them home to the moments they are making homes of their own, we raise them to release them, in the safety of our den, before they encounter the wilderness of this wild world we live in.

While they have been given to us by God, they are ultimately His, and our goal is to steer them back to Him again and again, our role is to guide them as He promises to walk beside them.

But the older I get, the more I realize, my words to Him are more powerful than my words to them…

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Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 20: Chosen for Prayer

Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily — Reason 20: Chosen for Prayer

June 20th. Day 20 of walking through “Reasons to Rehearse the Gospel Daily” — Part 1 of “A Gospel Primer for Christians” by Milton Vincent.

Today’s reason — Chosen for Prayer.

I already LOVE today’s reason. Chosen to have conversations with the God of the Universe. Chosen to intercede for others as Jesus interceded for you and me. What an honor. What a reason to rehearse the gospel daily.

“When God chose me in Christ before the foundation of the world, he did not merely choose me to be ‘holy and blameless’; He chose me also to be ‘before Him in love.’ {Ephesians 1:4} To be sure, I am always in God‘s presence on earth, and in heaven I will be in His presence more fully than ever. But it could also be said that in this life I am especially ‘before Him in love’ when I come ‘before Him’ in prayer and worship.” {Psalm 100:2, Psalm 68:4, 1 John 5:14}

Vincent continues by saying...

“Therefore, I can infer that prayer is not simply something I am allowed to do as a Christian; prayer is actually one of the great purposes for which God chose to save me. Christ Himself confirms this fact when He makes the following statement to His disciples: ‘I chose you...that whatever you ask of the Father in my name He may give it to you.’ {John 15:16} As a chosen one of God, I was saved to pray; and whenever I come into God’s presence to behold Him, worship Him, or make request of Him, I am arriving at the pinnacle of God’s saving purpose for me.”

Vincent elaborates a little more...

“God is radically committed to my life of prayer. He shed the blood of His son so that I might be cleansed and rendered fit {Ephesians 1:6, Romans 5:9} to stand before Him in love. He also permitted the brutal rending of His son so that I might now have a way into the Holy Place through the torn flesh of Jesus. {Hebrews 10:19-20} ‘Draw near’ {Hebrews 4:16} He says in Hebrews 4; ‘draw near’ He says in Hebrews 10; {Hebrews 10:19-22} ‘pray without ceasing,’ {1 Thessalonians 5:17} He urges elsewhere. How can I not feel the infinite sincerity of these invitations, especially when considering the painful lengths that God endured so that I might enter His presence in prayer?”

Vincent concludes with this...

“Indeed, the gospel itself serves as the sweetest of invitations to pray; and preaching it to myself each day nurtures within me a mighty impulse to come ‘before [God] in love’ and do the praying that I was elected to do.”

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Our Words to Him are More Powerful than our Words to Them.

Our Words to Him are More Powerful than our Words to Them.

I hate even implying that there’s an “us” and “them,” but it seems to be true everywhere we turn — politically, socially, and even spiritually.

But lest you believe all hope is lost, let me assure you, it is not. The key is to recognize the real enemy and turn our fight against him, not them.

The Gospel of Jesus offers hope that frees us — frees us from being “us” and “them” as it reconciles us all to Him — all who believe and receive His free gift of salvation.

My broken heart longs for true reconciliation and restoration in this broken world, but I know the only way that mend will be sustainable is if we are first reconciled to God and restored back to a right relationship with Him. His unchangeability has the supernatural ability to change us sincerely, so our hearts can long for true unity.

Just because there’s a “them,” God continues to remind me “they” are not the enemy. “They” are merely the ones who just disagree with me. The enemy is the enemy, and fighting him through prayer is the only way to victory.

Victory over our real enemy is the key. We’re not going to achieve perfect unity as we try to mesh conflicting ideologies. A self-centered, worldly ideology will not enhance a Christ-centered Biblical theology.

Perfect unity is for Eternity and can only be achieved through embracing the grace in the victory that took place for you and me — the victory Jesus won by defeating death to give us life. The most effective way to fight from that position of victory is to continually fight this battle on our knees.

So when emotions are high, and the words wanna fly because they’ve been brewin’ and you‘re ‘bout ready to spew them...

Remember these wise words from His Word...

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