A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear

A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear

A Call to Prayer for the Mama Bear…

A mama’s work is never done, and although the specific tasks and responsibilities may change, the ultimate goal stays the same.

Protect, provide, prepare.

From toddler to teen, and every stage in between, from the moment we bring them home to the moments they are making homes of their own, we raise them to release them, in the safety of our den, before they encounter the wilderness of this wild world we live in.

While they have been given to us by God, they are ultimately His, and our goal is to steer them back to Him again and again, our role is to guide them as He promises to walk beside them.

But the older I get, the more I realize, my words to Him are more powerful than my words to them…

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Post Mother’s Day Post (because it’s in hindsight lessons are learned the most)

Post Mother’s Day Post (because it’s in hindsight lessons are learned the most)

News flash, mommas, we are not perfect. In fact, we’re far from it. And quite honestly, our kids aren’t looking for our perfection, but rather our intention in the right direction.

In the first picture, we’re all standing tall (some more than others) with the effects of age taking center stage — height for the boys coupled with the depth of their voice, while Steve and I have aged with wrinkles and greys and in a few more subtle ways.

In the second picture, we’re all sitting and they were all small. And just as we were on the same level that day, we were together frequently, and we functioned as a team rather succinctly.

But more than the obvious differences in these two photos are the character differences. Can you spot those?

Because that’s where it’s at. That’s what matters most. We will never be perfect, but we’ll always be perfectly positioned to learn and grow.

The years between these photos bring meaning to this post. The differences are far more than physical, and this momma is grateful for the lessons learned in hindsight.

It’s never too late to learn, and we will never stop growing and maturing in our God-given roles and responsibilities.

They see us trying. So, keep trying, momma, and never give up. Sitting or standing, small or tall, the heart lessons are the hardest to learn, but they’ll outlast the physical differences well beyond the wrinkles and greys and passing Mother’s Days.

So, stay the course, and glance back every now and then, not to be sad they’re grown, but to be glad they’re known — seen and loved. Take time to spot the differences, notice the growth, and celebrate the change.

Look back to keep going forward. Find security in the seasons of maturity and beauty in the hindsight.

“For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” ~ 1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:12‬

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