There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?

There are two sides to every story until there’s not, and then what?

On April 21, 2020, a month into a global pandemic, there was a whole lot going on in my heart (there still is), but there were also a whole lot of unknowns, a whole lot of new ideas, theories, and data, and a whole whole lot of personal opinions. I processed my take on it all in this social media post entitled, There are Two Sides to Every Story months before I began officially “blogging” on my website.

And I FELT every word of that post, and I meant it, too. I still do. There are passionate people on both sides. Passionate for extremely personal reasons. Passionate because of this incredibly hard season.

Fast forward almost a year and a half later, and while there are still (and always will be) unknowns, there is a whole lot more research, data, and experience forming and fueling these ideas and theories (and a theory can be just that, a plain ol’ theory devoid of any conspiracy).

That being said. I still believe...

There are two sides to every story...until there’s not, and then what?

What exactly do I mean? Well, let me explain by telling you what I see...

I’m watching a world plagued by a global pandemic (physically) become a world enraged by a global pandemic (spiritually).

I’m watching a greater divide grow between the two sides.

I’m watching one side seek to silence, censor, and cancel the other side by controlling the narrative.

I’m watching one side fight for their (or their loved ones’) right for medical freedom being coerced, guilted, manipulated, and mandated to do something, wear something, or take something (all under the guise of the “right” or “loving” thing).

I’m watching the perpetuation of this pandemic being penned on one side, when in my opinion, the “two sides” are far more about the forces of light and darkness, good and evil, and less about the masked unmasked, the vaxxed and unvaxxed.

My heart has been broken by stories I keep hearing about people who are simply not being heard...

not being heard by school boards to advocate for their children to breathe freely and think critically...

not being heard by doctors when advocating for themselves or others to continue a course of treatment that has been and continues to be effective and widely used around the world...

not being heard by countless others who will continue to have the final word...

That is until in this “battle between the two sides,” God Himself has the final word...

So, take heart, those of you who feel unheard. God hears you. He sees you. He knows the battle you’re in. He knows it may seem like a battle you will never win, and you won’t, not without Him.

He will forever reign victoriously. He always advocates for righteousness. He always defends the truth. If you are on His side, seeking His face, following His ways, He will fight for you. He will win in the end.

There are two sides to every story...until there’s not, and then what?

I’ll tell you what — Just stay close to Him. His side always wins. 

**This post, like most of my posts, was prompted by what my heart has been burdened by. I want to share a story with you that gives life and breath to what feeble words have tried to express. This is just one of so so many like it.

For the past few weeks, I have watched Allie, her sister, Sonia, their two other sisters, and their mom, Sue, literally fight for their dad’s life, as they battled for their side to be heard and for God to have the final word. Allie, knowing full well that sharing her dad’s story may end in censorship and cancelation (and it did), created this back-up IG account

That earthly fight they battled together did not end the way they had hoped, but that has not and will not diminish their passion to keep fighting the battle against evil. They know God wins in the end. Their dad is with Him. And to honor Him, they’ll keep fighting the good fight.

“But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.” ~ 1 Timothy 6:11-12

Again, you can read Allie’s Dad’s story in blog form here.

***PLEASE keep telling your side of the story EVEN IF and ESPECIALLY IF you feel unheard. You may very well inspire another silenced voice to keep sharing their story, too. The more voices that speak, the louder the noise will be.

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” ~ Proverbs 28:1