There are Two Sides to Every Story...Until There’s Not, and Then What?
/There are two sides to every story until there’s not, and then what?
On April 21, 2020, a month into a global pandemic, there was a whole lot going on in my heart (there still is), but there were also a whole lot of unknowns, a whole lot of new ideas, theories, and data, and a whole whole lot of personal opinions. I processed my take on it all in this social media post entitled, There are Two Sides to Every Story months before I began officially “blogging” on my website.
And I FELT every word of that post, and I meant it, too. I still do. There are passionate people on both sides. Passionate for extremely personal reasons. Passionate because of this incredibly hard season.
Fast forward almost a year and a half later, and while there are still (and always will be) unknowns, there is a whole lot more research, data, and experience forming and fueling these ideas and theories (and a theory can be just that, a plain ol’ theory devoid of any conspiracy).
That being said. I still believe...
There are two sides to every story...until there’s not, and then what?
What exactly do I mean? Well, let me explain by telling you what I see...
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